Hunting and Global Warming?????

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Dec 26, 2007
When I was in tropical Africa just 600miles south of the equator, the Africans and Europeans as well as the Americans there said, "it has been the coldest winter in years in Africa," (it is winter there being south of the equator). I have heard of other reports in Europe, India and Russia from friends of mine that this has been a cooler summer in memory. Well that is fine with me because the cooler the fall the better I have found hunting in most cases. Also when I was in Africa I heard some real cool news. You know that the Gorilla is supposed to be on the endangered list. Well, some researchers found in the Congo at least a group of Gorillas that number in their estimate, 10,000 and they said that this is a conservative estimate. Oh the hump back is not on the list anymore. Isn't it amazing how the Lord designed the earth and it's survival. Earth was not an accident that just came along from mindless nothing to something. It is a world of design and that means there is a designer and that also means that man being finite does not have the ability to know all the variables and that is why he is not able to tweak this global warming thing. I hope it does get cooler like it was when I was young. I love breaking ice on puddles during hunting season in South Mississippi. Just some thoughts.
As a concluding note let me say the following:

I just hope things cool some no matter what the reason because I like hunting in cool wheather. I am not myself going to get off in all the supposed science that is observable only in a closed system due to our limitations and then try and assume in my gratuitous arguments that I have discovered the truth that actually encompasses the whole. What arrogance on the part of the intellectual world to assume that science can define the matter conclusively. I just wrote what I wrote to encourage us as hunters that I believe there are good times ahead for us and our sport. And that the earth has a way of healing itself and making adjustments because it is a living world with magnificent design.
Thanks and I agree. I have also noticed that the Gore types are saying
"global climate change" instead of "global warming" due to last Winter
& the trend not going the way they "thought".

And of course intelligent design is not the way they see it.
The fall of 2007 through today has been so cold we have in one season replaced and gained more Artic Ice than we have lost in the last ten years of the natural heat and cooling cycles the earth goes through.

Now with the lack of ice the polare bears have had a hard time catching seals now with the ice back there is more seals than in the last ten years so the bears should have a good year as far as meals go.

Now with all the PPS and NGG TV shows trhat they have been making we will most likely still see more shows on how little ice there is untill they recaped all their money. And I don't think a show on how much ice there is now will have the crises effect to bring in viewers so I am not going to hold my breath till I see one.

Here in Michigan NOAA states the heating/cooling days and you guessed it we are below normal to date for days at or above normal.

The only 100% correlation so far with the earths heating and cooling cycles is solar flare activity but thats still not conclusive, but it does correlate where as human activey dose not and thats 100%.

When the priece of oil dropped $18 in two weeks I can extrapulate that the future price will be Zero. BUT I REALLY DON"T THINK THAT WILL HAPPEN. We need prospective and real science not the pick only the data that fits and dismise the rest that seems to prevail today.
Well, the Norse used to grow wine grapes in what we now call Norway, and Greenland was settled for 150 years from the 1300's to the mid 1400's. It was actually warmer in the 1300's then it is now.
I agree with Bullet Here where I live I didn't think summer was ever going to come it didn't hit 90 until july they had to plow the snow off a few of the roads to some of camp grounds for the forth of july at about the 5000 to 5500 ft level. I think summer is here now 102 on friday and 104 saturday :( I'm ready for fall :grin: .
Idiots. :roll:

Post your religiously-politically motivated propaganda on your favorite redneck, God-hates-fags-and-environmentalists blog.

Mods: Please delete this thread.
You lost me Mason......
What does breaking ice on puddles, the Norse growing grapes in Norway, and Solar flares have to do with hating anyone :? ??
Seems Mason has some anger issues. I enjoyed the read (all but Mason's) This is the narrowmindedness that causes so much trouble now-a-days.

Mason, are you suggesting that if a person does not choose to believe the "global warming hype", that they are politically swayed, or a religious extremist? Are you so narrow-minded that you believe that, because I don't buy into the global warming bit, that I hate homosexuals, or better yet, I'm a redneck? Funny how this story started out about enjoying breaking ice when being a child, and turned into calling people names.

I don't think Nosler would appreciate throwing names like that around, I know I certainly don't.

So I'll ask Nosler NOT to delete the thread as it was a well written, uplifting look at our future.

Furthermore, I would like to cast a vote to "delete" Mason from the Forum, as I did not appreciate his comments.
Mason if thats all you can come up with then take it some where else I'm sure theirs a forum for people like you!!!
Wow Mason sounds like a confused and mean person. Mason should take the course of Stephen Covey's 7 Habits.

Sure do enjoy the stories and all the helpful info in this forum keep it going.
WOW, I thought this was an informational/constructive forum. I don't think hateful, name calling, has a place here. Someone is not a happy camper. So sad.
Antelope_Sniper":25emo5e4 said:
You lost me Mason......
What does breaking ice on puddles, the Norse growing grapes in Norway, and Solar flares have to do with hating anyone :? ??
I took the logical leap from the thread author's religious diatribe to a conclusion about his and his supporters' belief system. While it may not be accurate in every case, I would bet it is in most who subscribe to that dribble.

That the earth's climate is warming is incontrovertible FACT. Whether it results from human greenhouse gas pollution is likely though less certain and, therefore, debatable. That notwithstanding, this is not the appropriate forum to express these views. I came here for discussion of Nosler products (loading data, trajectory information, terminal performance, etc.) and hunting experiences with their products. I stand behind my contention that this thread topic is irrelevant to Nosler and hunting.

Colin: This story did not start out as "breaking ice when being a child." Read more, post less.

buckfever: "theirs a forum"? Is that all you can come up with?

owenv: Write "Try to stay out of things over my head" in your little weekly organizer.

russ: WOW :roll:
bullet":11bbj32f said:
When I was in tropical Africa just 600miles south of the equator, the Africans and Europeans as well as the Americans there said, "it has been the coldest winter in years in Africa," (it is winter there being south of the equator). I have heard of other reports in Europe, India and Russia from friends of mine that this has been a cooler summer in memory. Well that is fine with me because the cooler the fall the better I have found hunting in most cases. Also when I was in Africa I heard some real cool news. You know that the Gorilla is supposed to be on the endangered list. Well, some researchers found in the Congo at least a group of Gorillas that number in their estimate, 10,000 and they said that this is a conservative estimate. Oh the hump back is not on the list anymore. Isn't it amazing how the Lord designed the earth and it's survival. Earth was not an accident that just came along from mindless nothing to something. It is a world of design and that means there is a designer and that also means that man being finite does not have the ability to know all the variables and that is why he is not able to tweak this global warming thing. I hope it does get cooler like it was when I was young. I love breaking ice on puddles during hunting season in South Mississippi. Just some thoughts.

So JD, are you saying that all of these people that bullet mentioned,(locals, Europeans & Americans) are lying or mistaken when they described last winter in Africa as the coldest in years? Are the other reports concerning cooler than normal summers in Russia, Europe & India some kind of a joke, why? I know for a fact this past summer in AR has been one of the coolest if not the coolest that I have seen, we had 2 rough weeks of 100 degree plus weather, not much at all for here. Also, last winter was colder here than it has been in a while, but not nearly as cold as the winter of 1976-77, more on that later.
It is true that we have experienced a warming cycle for the past several years before this year, we may resume that cycle next year & we may not, you don't know & I don't know either.
And you stated correctly that the past warming trend cannot be linked with any level of certainty with greenhouse gases. So the only "incontrovertible fact" concerning warming is that we have experienced a warming cycle, but that does not mean that things will start heating again.
We have had temp. cycles for a long time. When I was in college back in the winter of 76-77 the little professors were telling us that we were entering a new "Ice Age", you see we were in a cool cycle. Heck it was even in the papers! :lol: So now I am to believe that somehow we have been propelled from an Ice Age to a Meltdown in a period of 30 years or so.We shall see!!
You could say my education is "well rounded", I was taught by some real Libs in college & real conservatives later & I can think on my own, but thanks.

And yes, this is a great forum to gain knowledge concerning bullets, loads, rifles, inc. If someone wants to veer off a little on a thread, it may not be the very best thing to do, but it is no crime. And this site has
moderators who can & will decide if something gets out of hand, so I don't see a huge problem. And another option is to skip a thread if it is of no value to us & I exercise that from time to time, as you could have in this case.

Very well written, thank you. Again, I say it was an enjoyable read. I look forward to more reads similar to this one.

From now on, I will make sure to work a Nosler reference on my further write-ups, as to not offend anyone.
NASA's website is a huge source for literature on this with a slew of information. It shows that the average global temperature has risen by a half degree over the last century. It also published a study stating that while we are currently above normal, we are entering a cool spell that last cycled in the 1830s.

Each can draw his own conclusions.
jdmason480":2tjf4mx3 said:
Antelope_Sniper":2tjf4mx3 said:
You lost me Mason......
What does breaking ice on puddles, the Norse growing grapes in Norway, and Solar flares have to do with hating anyone :? ??
I took the logical leap from the thread author's religious diatribe to a conclusion about his and his supporters' belief system. While it may not be accurate in every case, I would bet it is in most who subscribe to that dribble.

That the earth's climate is warming is incontrovertible FACT. Whether it results from human greenhouse gas pollution is likely though less certain and, therefore, debatable. That notwithstanding, this is not the appropriate forum to express these views. I came here for discussion of Nosler products (loading data, trajectory information, terminal performance, etc.) and hunting experiences with their products. I stand behind my contention that this thread topic is irrelevant to Nosler and hunting.

Colin: This story did not start out as "breaking ice when being a child." Read more, post less.

buckfever: "theirs a forum"? Is that all you can come up with?

owenv: Write "Try to stay out of things over my head" in your little weekly organizer.

russ: WOW :roll:

The only diatribe was your assumption that your logic would justify your blind leap of faith into the abyss of the none philosophical tar pit of existential, humanistic, pragmatic, analytical naturalisms in assuming you have a position of coherent thought based on nonsense. Of course being the intellectual you are pretending to be, I am sure you are aware that logic does not discover truth but only points out error. But maybe you are not aware of that fact since you began with logic. If you don't know exactly were I am coming from please PM me and we will have our discussion off forum so everyone can be relieved of your poor attitude, lack of obvious understanding in the fields of philosophy, science and theology. Let me help you out:

2+2=4 is logical and true
2 Leprechauns + 2 Leprechauns = 4 Leprechauns is logical but not true

Let's talk on PM and get rid of the Leprechauns that have invaded your thinking but it would be appropriate for you to discontinue your name calling and condescending arrogant attitude as though everyone else on this thread is stupid. Please if you want to have a real discussion with someone then have it with me the author and do so on a pm.
Ouch!!! That was quite a firm spanking you gave Mason. Good for you....and keep up the good stories.
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