I bought nosler brass what can I expect?


Feb 9, 2007
To my other post and .243 with neck sizing 2 times and that is it, I may have an oversized chamber, I took the plunge and dropped 40.00 on nosler brass, what can I expect to get from it that my 18.00 winchester brass doesn't do? I wil find out soon enough as I will range test this brass against winchester, loads are IMR 4895 at 38 grains and Varget at 38 grains over a 80 Nosler B Tip.

A friend recommended to perfect fit the chamber take fire pin shroud out of bolt rem 700 and start to FL shallow, just until I get the brass that won't fit no more to close smoothly on the bolt and I have my die set up perfectly to my chamber limitng head space and brass wear and tear. Sound good?
You can do it a lot easier, and get the same result. Just set your size die way too far out, where it doesn't size the entire case. Then look at the neck, and you'll see where it sized to. Turn the die in a bit at a time until you size just down to the shoulder junction, without actually touching it. This should, based on the body compression, actually cause your case shoulder to move forward a tad. These rounds should be hard to chamber. Now, adjust your die in as small an increment as you can (I use 1/16th turns, and a sharpie marker mark on the top of the die to tell me where I've been and where I'm going) and turn in a smidge, size the brass, and then test chamber it. When you get to where you can chamber it with only a tight fit (where it's readily chamberable but not just like working the bolt on an empty chamber) you're spot on. Lock the die down and test about 10 cases. If they all work out properly, lock the die down in every respect (lock ring, decapping pin, etc.) and don't use it for any other rifles except that one. What you're doing is called Partial Full Length Resizing, and if you search this forum for that term, there are much more detailed descriptions than what I just gave, as well as the rationale behind it.
If what you are saying is, bump the shoulder back a touch so your bolt closes with a slight crush fit, then I would agree with your friend.
That will prolong brass life.
I fired the nosler brass and it is some nice stuff! I'm finding with my head space gauge it only grows .001-.002 on avergae after being fired and I'm finding only need to neck size with it! I'm buying 2 more boxes of the nosler brass, I'm wondering if I got some soft winchester brass? I also loaded up some other new winchester brass and didn't get near the stretching from it as the first loads? Same load as prior and some less I'm finding 37 to 37.5 grains of varget with the 80 gr B-tip to be very good in my remington FPS is 3080 at 37 grains and a SD of only 8.3 FPS between shots with varget powder much better than other powders tried and I weigh each and every load on a redding scale!