I can relate.


Mar 6, 2017
How I was raised to the T. Never regretted or resented it. Quite grateful actually. Although it took me way longer in life than it should've until those lessons took affect. I agree with this song whole heartedly. You may not.

Boy, does that hit home for me. I sure miss my daddy reading his Bible as we sat beside a coal fired stove. Can't say that I miss his belt, but he was a man and I definitely needed that sort of attention to walk in the straight and narrow. Thanks for posting this.
Great reminder, Troy. Thank you for posting. Been without the opportunity to speak with my dad since January 1981. What a hole in my life without the opportunity to call on his wisdom.
Will be 40 years in a few months that I last saw my dad. I am 49...
Still, he set the foundation and I see him every day when I look in the mirror.
Now I have to guide my kids through troubled times and I hope that they can look back one day and say I did ok.