I Despise Coyotes!!


Apr 20, 2018
Nov yote.jpg
Oct 14 yote.jpg

I instituted an off season predator trapping regimen on my land about 3 yrs ago. So far it has been paying off! I have had better fawn and turkey recruitment from data off my trail cams as well as better hunting! I understand that elimination is not going to be possible nor am I trying for that! Just trying to limit their impact!

However, I do not hesitate to shoot any interloper looking for another area!!

I was sitting in my favorite spot on two different occasions this season and my hunts were interrupted my these two females snooping around! Neither one has escaped!!LOL

Both shot with a 280 Rem with 154 SST bullets and IMR7828
Fine work. I don't hate coyotes, they are an integral part of nature; but I recognise that they must be controlled to ensure that we don't see exaggerated cycles of their prey. Keep up the good work.
When thy are not native to "your" area you would learn to dislike them!! They got started, in my area by hound hunters importing, illegally, for running pens down through the years!

While I have no disdain for hound hunters maybe my dislike should be towards the illegal culprits that are truly responsible for the problems the coyotes have caused! In the end it's the species that "pays the price" for un-natural human intervention when introduced to places they were not ever native to!

Look at the issue the Everglades are having with Pythons! They are an integral part of the environment when left in their natural place but look at the problems they are causing when introduced to places they were never intended to be!! And again, who is responsible and what is paying the price!
All good points. Wasn't aware of an introduction of coyotes by any group. That is weird. Introduction of any "exotic" species means exaggerated problems for that particular ecosystem in the future. There seem to be no exceptions to that observation.

Years ago, coyotes were not common here in the north. They were not introduced by people, but attempts to kill off the wolves set the stage for their introduction. I have grudging respect for their tenacity, but they do need to be held in check.
Im not saying that the coyote would not have had some migration into the area but according to our DNR the introduction responsibility sits squarely on those that illegally imported coyotes!

It's the same with feral hogs! These are not the same as Russian boars! Tame hogs that have got loose, due to whatever reason, or been purposely turned loose are why so may areas of the US have catastrophic problems!! Causing hundreds and hundreds of millions, some estimates have it upwards of a billion dollars in property and agricultural loss and not to mention the ecological impact they have to native plant and vertebrate species!!
I also take a coyote every time I can. This got in the way of my 270 Axis at about 50 feet the other morning. 130 BT He sat down to look at me sitting in my deer stand.


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Our deer lease has a rule:
If a yot or hog shows up deer hunting is over!
Just shoot these varmits!
While I do not despise Coyotes, I do like to hunt them in the off season. They are hard to call in, and are very smart. I think of them as a formidable opponent.
When I lived up in Wyoming, if I wasn't out deer, or elk hunting, I was out coyote hunting. Up there, they are considered a pest, and can be summarily shot on spot without having a fur bearers license, or a hunting license. Just like you, if one came across my path during any hunting season, they were shot without any questions.
My buddy, and I got into coyote hunting so much, we bought varmint rifles to do that job instead of our deer hunting rigs.
Now, I'm not saying you have to go out and buy a new rifle, you can obviously get the job done very well with your .280 Rem!
Congratulations on the bagging of your Coyotes guys!

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