I haven't seen my rifle for 2 yrs.

I got that kind of runaround from Colt once concerning a handgun I sent back for repair. To make a very long story short they finally admitted they had LOST the damn thing. I wrote the CEO at the time directly and related the whole sorry story. I soon heard from Colt Customer Service and they not only found the gun but repaired it and wanted to know if there was ANYTHING else they could do for me. Good luck!
Years later, the extractor broke again..
Emailed Remington to see if it will be covered under warranty once again.
Wow! Talk about resurrecting a long dormant thread! I assume you're not going through your gunsmith this time?
Buddy":23csd4e4 said:
Years later, the extractor broke again..
Emailed Remington to see if it will be covered under warranty once again.

Might be a great time to put an M16 extractor in it this time. Gotta be better than dealing with Remington.
My Winchester 1400 shotgun (a 16th birthday present from Mom and Dad) went back three times- the first time for a barrel with a machining ring in mid bore. It came back with a different barrel that didn't function. Two more trips back and a mismatched forend. It still wouldn't repeat or close the action fully. In the end, fifteen years later, as an adult, I took the dremel to one of the locking lugs in the barrel. Viola- works like a charm. Many years of heartache, some spoiled hunts, and two broken extractors Half a dozen other replaced parts before I finally figured it out. No excuse for what you are going through. Grandpas .22 which works well, is the only Remington I want to own. To bad Remlin happened. I miss Ron Coburn's Savages too. Boy listen to me grouch....CL