I survived the .375!

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
So... in addition to the .223 & .22 Hi-Power rifles... I sucked it up, and somewhat timidly took the .375 H&H to the range as well. Hadn't fired it in, well maybe a year? Since before neck surgery. Decided it was time to see if the most powerful rifle I own would snap my neck!

Approaching this test cautiously, I dipped into a box of ammo loaded some time back, with the 300 gr Sierra at about 2600 fps. Nothing like starting with a max load!

The .375 roared three times, muffled a bit in the snow. Three 3/8" holes appeared in the target. The paper plate obediently died, suitably perforated. My head stayed attached. There was NO PAIN whatsoever. Looks like the surgeon's baling wire and duct tape held. All is well, and I'm back in the medium-bore shooting business.

I like that.

Congratulations Guy, I set here LOL to as I read this post.. Glad to hear the surgeon did you up right.. (y) Do you have a hunt requiring the 375 in the foreseeable future..?
Always wanted a No. 1 in 375!

Are you in Wenatchee? Looks kinda like the range there.
Good to see that the healing has progressed as it should. No doubt it feels good to be back in business with the H&H.
Good to see you're still playing with the big girl again Guy!
5shot - yes I'm in Wenatchee and on the board for the NCW Gun Club, where I've been a member for many years. You?

Rol - hah - yes - I think I'm taking it for rockchucks this spring... again... (y)

No - I've never "needed" the .375 for anything, but it's become my "bear rifle" and I enjoy using it on our black bear hunts. Going again this coming September.

Guy Miner":3e6nfef3 said:
5shot - yes I'm in Wenatchee and on the board for the NCW Gun Club, where I've been a member for many years. You?


Spokane...My daughter shot a season of 3P Junior Rifle and we all went to the State Championships in Wenatchee. She was not a classified shooter yet, so she only did the prone match, but took a 2nd and a 5th.
Glad to see you held together Guy. After sitting for so long in the safe, that beautiful rifle had to be shedding tears because it wasn't being used! You do not have to wait until spring to go shoot gophers. Take that Jeep of yours, a rabbit distress call, and get out after coyotes. You guys have to have a lot of them in your neck of the woods. Get out there and do it! (y)
5shot":u3rsalct said:
Guy Miner":u3rsalct said:
5shot - yes I'm in Wenatchee and on the board for the NCW Gun Club, where I've been a member for many years. You?


Spokane...My daughter shot a season of 3P Junior Rifle and we all went to the State Championships in Wenatchee. She was not a classified shooter yet, so she only did the prone match, but took a 2nd and a 5th.

Excellent! Yes, we have a pretty decent youth smallbore program going here. Mostly air-rifle in the winter. The club bought another air rifle for that purpose recently. Spendy rascals! But worth it for the youth program.


David, yes, have every intent to get out for yotes soon! Likely with the .22 Hi-Power though... I suspect the .375 would do just fine, given what it did on that rockchuck a few years ago...

Guy Miner":37htf89c said:
Excellent! Yes, we have a pretty decent youth smallbore program going here. Mostly air-rifle in the winter. The club bought another air rifle for that purpose recently. Spendy rascals! But worth it for the youth program.


Yes, those buggers are spendy. The Spokane Club purchased a half dozen Anschutz Rimfires when my daughter was shooting...ouch!

I saw this yesterday but am not allowed to post while working. This is great news ! Now you have no more excuses, and I assume you are in the process of booking your Africa Safari as we speak lol

Glad your shoulder will now allow you to shot some of your larger caliber guns Guy
Guy, please be sure to post pictures of you, the 375 and your first Rockchuck of the season.. :grin:
Or maybe have a friend tag along and shoot a video for the forum... just an idea.. :grin:
Man, that's great news Guy :grin: ..I hope you do well in September pal, I'll be using my 375 H&H topped off with 260gr Accubonds (or AccuBond :wink: )@2700fps for bear as well in another 4 months, Gary's going to send me some trail cam pics when the time comes, I hope to score again on a nice bruin, and some more smoked sausage! (y)

That's great Lou. Yeah - I'm REALLY happy to be able to shoot that .375 with confidence again.

In the past I've used the 260 gr Nosler AccuBond, and it's been a GREAT bullet. But... I have hundreds of .375 bullets, mostly from Nosler and Hornady, with a few Speer & Sierra in the mix. I may hunt with a conventional 270 gr Hornady this year, rather than buying more Accubonds. The Hornady has proven very accurate for me.

Also have some 270 (yes, 270 gr) Nosler Partitions that might work out real well on a bear. They're pretty blunt-nosed, so won't shoot as flat as those wonderful Accubonds, but I'd bet I can still hit a bear with them... :)

Glad to hear you are "gristled over" from your surgery! Myself and one of my congregants both had the same surgery, I tell folks he and I are the only ones with our heads "screwed on right" and I can prove it by the x-rays of the plate and screws! ha. About 5yrs after mine, I shot "one" round of 45-70 Grizzly Ammo's Bearload from a lightweight Marlin Cowboy. In that "split" second it went off, I thought it had torn all the scar tissue loose! yowza! Too much for me, ha. Love the old "push" of the 375 in a decent weight rifle too. Now, if you start crying at movies and begin to worry about your hips, the cadaver bone used for the fusion came from a woman! ( mine did!) :)