I think I'm there!


Aug 15, 2006
Well it did make it up to about 45 today with no wind.
I adjusted my COAL to 3.320 from yesterdays 3.290 and made some more rounds. I think I'll stop at this, it was a short trip to what I consider great performance.With just a little more tuning to the left and maybe up a little, I think I'll have it just where I want it. Thanks for the help!
This is yesterday 160 grain AB 7MM Mag Ruger #1

This is today, 4 rounds with the first for some reason being a "flier" Lets call it a "fouling shot"


Range was 100 yards
If it is shooting like that, shouldn't take more than one shot. Congratulations.
by the way CHECK YOUR E-MAIL

Cartridge : 7 mm Rem. Mag.
Bullet : .284, 160, Nosler AccuBond 54932
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.290 inch or 83.57 mm
Barrel Length : 26.0 inch or 660.4 mm
Powder : Alliant Reloder-22

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step Fill. Charge Vel. Energy Pmax Pmuz Prop.Burnt B_Time
% % Grains fps ft.lbs psi psi % ms

-20.0 78 52.80 2458 2146 30730 9751 92.7 1.694
-18.0 80 54.12 2519 2254 32824 10048 93.8 1.650
-16.0 82 55.44 2580 2365 35061 10333 94.9 1.608
-14.0 84 56.76 2641 2478 37456 10605 95.9 1.565
-12.0 86 58.08 2702 2594 40017 10861 96.8 1.516
-10.0 88 59.40 2763 2712 42738 11101 97.6 1.471
-08.0 90 60.72 2824 2833 45614 11324 98.2 1.426
-06.0 92 62.04 2884 2955 48675 11528 98.8 1.384
-04.0 94 63.36 2944 3079 51937 11713 99.3 1.343
-02.0 96 64.68 3004 3205 55415 11877 99.6 1.304 ! Near Maximum !
+00.0 98 66.00 3063 3333 59127 12019 99.9 1.266 ! Near Maximum !
+02.0 100 67.32 3121 3462 63088 12139 100.0 1.229 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0 102 68.64 3180 3592 67321 12237 100.0 1.194 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+06.0 104 69.96 3237 3724 71847 12327 100.0 1.160 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+08.0 106 71.28 3295 3856 76690 12413 100.0 1.127 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+10.0 108 72.60 3351 3990 81879 12496 100.0 1.096 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Now now... you haven't put near enough time into that working up loads... that was waaaay too easy :wink:

Great Shooting !
I pay too close attention to posts on here that involve guns that I might have or may acquire sometime in the future. At one point Pop said something about the accuracy with 66 grains of RL-22 tending to be excellent. I think I concur!
That is some excellent shooting. Nice to know I am on the right track at least. Scotty
That's an awsome group. It looks like you've got it just right and that rifle is going to work out real well. Congrats :grin:
Nicely done, gotta love it when you don't have to spend three boxes of bullets to find a good load!

I'm with ya on this forum helping out. I have learned alot here and it has saved me a bunch of time, money, and frustration.
That is good to go and in a hunting rifle that is more than acceptable. Very good shooting and I am happy you are there with your load. Nothing like it when you have put time at the loading and shooting bench and it comes together.