Idaho Wolf


Dec 24, 2006
Here is a picture of a Idaho Wolf. The man holding it is my hunting partner who runs an outfit in Idaho. Anyhow, figured you would want to see some pictures of it. I will post more once I get the details of the hunt. I would bet that he called it in though. I got the picture earlier today, and didn't have time to call him, but I will get some details outta him soon. Scotty

Yeah, one of those putting his paws on your shoulders and looking down at you would get your attention. :shock:
And some people wonder where all the Elk and Deer have gone!! :shock: Bringing in a Canadian wolf to the lower 48?!?!?!
Yeah, you aren't kidding there. That is a sure elk killer! I have about 30 minutes of video of a big grey/whiteish one from this spring, while bear hunting. They are awesome to see in the wild, but oh man, do they need to be regulated! Scotty
Thats so Kool!! I wanna do that like really bad.

Whats the hunting method?

Thanks for sharing Scotty..

Man those things are big! He just saved more deer and elk than most hunters will ever get to harvest!
I haven't been able to call him yet, but I would bet money he called him in. That was his plan the last time I spoke with him.

It isn't hard to figure out the decrease of deer and elk with predators like that out there huh! Scotty
Wow! That wolf is huge. No surprise as to why deer and elk populations drop when the wolves show up.
Glad your friend got a nice one.

Yup, I hope Michigan is smart and catches up with the wolves before it is too late for the deer. Idaho may have caught them just in time, but the elk and deer have taken a whoopin up until now. Hopefully with some well regulated hunting, the deer/elk numbers will start to come back.

The bad thing is, I think wolves can reproduce at 50% per year. I am not sure if I am saying it right, but you can kill half of the population of wolves every year and they will reproduce enough to maintain their original numbers. Scotty
That may be true, Scotty, about wolf reproduction. I'm no expert on it. What I can tell you, though, is that in properly managed deer herds, it is not unheard of to take half the population, and end up with a gain of about 1/6th over the prior year in total population, prior to predation losses, of course. Don't be too worried about the deer herd - they are not nearly as impacted by predators as you might think. A healthy adult doe will twin or triplet fawn, unless she's in an area of poor nutrition, so the population comes back rather quickly. Can't speak for elk definitively, but I'm sure they reproduce similarly to deer. Not sure if they twin calve or occasionally triplet, but maybe someone else knows.

On the other hand - that's one big, mean dog that guy's hugging! I'd hate to come up on that dude and a few of his buddies late in the afternoon when I wasn't expecting them.
I will say that it is thrilling to hear them howling close by. I've heard that sound often in nearby valleys. It is funny to hear the coyotes answer back and begin a contest with the wolves. This seemed to be a frequent occurrence this fall in one valley in particular.
They are a neat animal and would make a really unique trophy. I was sure hoping my son and I would get a chance at one this last season, but no success. We did see lots of tracks though.

There was one incident here in Montana by a ranch down near Dillon where wolves killed 120 sheep in ONE NIGHT! They never ate a single sheep, and only killed them for fun. No, this is not made up. I'm not saying the wolves have got to go because they are part of the wild, but like anything else, they do need to be regulated and kept in balance. If we don't, we are going to have our wildlife populations seriously impacted by them, which they already are.

Congratulations on the super trophy!
Mike, it is funny you mention the coyote challenge and overall coyote calling. That is exactly what he was doing. He hiked across a large drainage, cut some tracks, and started calling. 1st set he was outside the area he thought they were, and sat for about 20 min, then he moved a little deeper and began set number 2. Well, he was doing some coyote fighting, and coyote howling for about 20 min, and was about ready to quit and move on. Well, he said he spotted them coming about 1000-1500 yards away. As they got closer, he noticed the front one (the one he killed) was turning around and snipping at the others, and generally running them back. I guess since they were headed towards an easy meal, he was reassuring his place in the pack. Well, my buddy is an outfitter in Idaho, and has seen quite a few animals hunted and killed, he told me he had never been that kind of shook up before. There were 5 of them coming to the calling! Well, he picked his first shot, about 150 yards and missed! Well, that sent the wolves into high gear! They were hauling but, and he shot again at the black wolf at 200, missed! Well, my buddy climbed a short little hill, and laid down prone and ass the wolves looked back at about 400, he dropped him. He was shooting a 22-250 with 55gr Rem PSP's! Anyhow, the ranges weren't lasered or anything like that, this is all relayed info over the phone last night.

Anyhow, figure you all would want to hear the story. Scotty
Super story! They will certainly chase coyotes. I just had never thought of trying to call them with a howler. That is worth a try.
I think I was just as excited as he was about the wolf! We have been talking about hunting the wolves as soon as it was legal. I think he should make a combo Wolf/Lion hunt. With a good huntable population, it would add some more diversity to the hunting season options for hunters. Scotty