Idiot? Or Unconscious?

I saw this on the news . this is how gun owners get a bad reputation . I can't get over how little he cared about this . he should not own a gun .
He is an idiot. Shooting high velocity rounds from 25 feet away at an away angle tends to ricochet, he should have followed safety protocols and shoot steel from at least 50 yards or further out straight on, not at an angle. Steel plates are better when angled downward, so the ricochets go downward to the ground upon impact. There aren't any berms for backstops either. Why would someone shoot a scoped AR 15 at 10 -25 feet?
The moron should have been at a certified range.
And we all pay the price from this idiots actions.
What a beauty!

Well I’m surprised Marjorie Taylor Green hasn’t yet found an associated conspiracy theory to tie this to the weather or Joe Biden or just about anything else. This does however add further proof you can’t fix stupid and I always give vets the benefit of doubt.