I'm going crazy


Aug 18, 2007
After reading all the optic discussions and doing a little research I am now more confused than ever. Which scope to buy? Nikon, Ziess, leopold, Burris, or the Shepherd.....In as much as you guys like to help a fella out...maybe you could send me one of each so I can make up my mind and then get some sleep :grin:
Actually your decission is quite simple. 8)
Leupold VXIII 2.5x8 or 3.5x10.
Pick either one of these and don't look back. :wink:

Where are you located mbmm?

If you're here in the Pacific Northwest and want to drive to the North Central Washington Gun Club outside of Wenatchee Washington, I'm very willing to let you shoot my rifles with my Leupold scopes, and see for yourself how well they work.

I've been a die-hard Leupold fan since 1974 when Dad spoiled me rotten by giving me one for a high school graduation present. That 33 year old Leupold 3-9x is still in use - trouble free.

Might want to think about a scope that's been in use on various hunting rifles for 1/3 of a century, trouble free...

Because of that one, most of the scopes on my hunting and target rifles are Leupold. The only one I've had any trouble with is a 4.5-14x target scope on a precision rifle. It's been sent back to the factory twice for repairs to the windage adjustment knob. Both times it was fixed for free, and back to me in a week. Pretty outstanding customer service.

I don't know what you want in a scope, but it's hard to beat a quality scope with a company that stands behind their product. I use mine on big game rifles, varmint rifles, and target rifles with very good success.

Several years ago I sold a 2.5-8x Leupold on a .300 Win mag - it may well be the BEST hunting scope I've ever used.

Regards, Guy
I have no reason to doubt these Leupold supporters as all of them have always been on the up and up. But I to like to be a little different and have gone from Bushnell 4200s to almost all Zeiss Conquests and one Kahles 3x9 with the TDS reticle. I have only been shooting them for a few years but have had zero problems and the scopes have all had excellent clarity and superb function.

If I had need of another scope and saw a good deal on Leupolds I sure would not hesitate to give them a go. But the only scope I would give up is the Bushnell 3200 that is on my Encore Muzzleloader and I really dont need a great scope on it for what I use it for.

You have given no indication of your intended usage (shooting range, enviornment, low light requirements, preferred reticle, method of range finding...) or preferred budget. It helps a lot to have a clear idea of your requirements and how far you are willing sacrifice one thing to gain another. Write them down and go from there.

The trick can be finding the "sweet spot". That is the point where the balance between performance, features and price. For me that was Leupold MkIV (2.5-8x and 3.5-10x), but my idea of what constitutes the right balance is most likely different to someone else's. I looked at offerings from every major brand ranging from budget to premium. I had a hard time getting past the Leupolds.

I am putting it to rest...getting a Leopold...3x10 VX3...after looking at everything..including clutter...and giving up what I want and then facing a little reallity...I think I have come home.....now...off to sleep!
mbmm":2jxc11dl said:
I am putting it to rest...getting a Leopold...3x10 VX3...after looking at everything..including clutter...and giving up what I want and then facing a little reallity...I think I have come home.....now...off to sleep!

Good choice going with the VXIII 3.5x10x40mm.
Are you going to look at the B&C reticle. :roll:

yes, what can you tell me about them.....(I checked them out....and did a look at Midway for price....about 550 less s/h.....will most likely go with that...thanks for the pointer)

What caliber are you shooting and what are you hunting?
There are some better deals out there. :wink:

MY intent is to mount the scope on a Rem 700 BDL, (30.06) This is a rifle I inherieted and is in mint cond, I made a promise that it would be used. I want to put good glass on it. Will be used mainly for WT. About every four years I go elk hunting in Co. and intend to take it with me.....
Well boys, I found a deal on that scope....489 before taxes.....I bought it, going to get the base and rings , plus mounting this weekend...(I don't believe this but I am told it's free) I will update when I get back...right now I am a wee bit giddy about the deal...I almost feel guilty (almost, I said almost)........
Boys, I did not turn out as told.....I had to leave the gun/scope overnight(Saturday) went to get it Sunday...Oh there is a problem....can't get a screw out...better take it to a smith....I got the rings and bases for a fair price...and I do believe it would have been free had I been smiled on ...but, was not. I am still a happy man....of note: He took note of the wood on the rifle and really wanted me to sell it....Anyhow that's what happened.
Gotta get me one of them Leuy's too. Stil living with what I can afford but I will have one some day. A vx-2 cause I aint patient enough to save the cash for a 3 or 4 or .... :) CL