Impact Energy

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
Since I managed to kill a deer this year with the 35 Whelen /AI I have been in awl of the devastating power it exhibited on that deer.
I have shot lots of deer in the past and have hit bone most of the time since I always shoot for the front shoulders to brake them down so they don't run far as they normally will with a heart or lung shot.
The deer I took this year was a Texas Heart shot and I hit the H bone destroying it and the right hip joint the impact was so great it also shattered the femur in the right leg.
Do you guys see this often where the force of impact brakes bones that are not hit directly with a bullet?
The bullet used was a 225gr Nosler Partiton loaded to 2780fps which gives around 4000ftlbs of muzzle energy and the deer was shot at approximately 50yds.
The .358 is considered a medium bore caliber and not suppose to carry energy due to the low BC of the fat short bullet design from what I have read and this is my first experience with shooting any thing with a bullet larger then .308. except with a muzzle loading rifle and 12ga slug.
To date nothing I have used has exhibited this kind of raw power.
High velocity just seems to create massive flesh damage and blow large holes in animals from what I've seen.
I guess what I'm asking is this performance normal or to be expected from a premium .358 bullet?

I see I put this under the wrong caliber if the moderators wish to place it in the right category please do so.
First deer I shot with my Whelen was at 25-30 yards. I hit the base of his neck from the side and went through his spine.

I was shooting 250gr Speer HotCors at about 2500fps.

He was missing two entire vertebrae when we processed him. The exit hole was about like the base of a soda can. He fell down on the spot and didn't even kick.

I would say what you saw was within the realm of expectations for the Whelen.

And congrats on filling your tag!
Thanks Tom, I had no idea what to expect out of my load combination and wanted to know others experiences with medium caliber cartridges at what I would consider medium velocities.
I plan on working up a load with a Barnes bullet for larger game since I'm hoping to get to go out west next year and want the best performance I can get from the 35 Whelen/AI. The 225gr PT will carry the mail and might be my best bet.

I need some of the other 35Whelen owners to chime in with their experiences and was wondering if my load would be good for Elk or should I go for the 225gr TSX or 250gr PT?
I wouldn't hesitate to use the load you have for elk. Not for a second.

A buddy of mine uses the 225pt for deer and killed several with it now, including some dandies and at ranges over 200 yards. Speaks very highly of his Whelen and the 225pt
tddeangelo":2s3s9ojb said:
I wouldn't hesitate to use the load you have for elk. Not for a second.

A buddy of mine uses the 225pt for deer and killed several with it now, including some dandies and at ranges over 200 yards. Speaks very highly of his Whelen and the 225pt
It does carry the mail for sure, maybe not a 3000fps plus magnum but when it hits bone it won't stop it.
Cant say I've consistiently seen that kind of Bang/Flop performance from a 12 ga Slug. Impressive, no doubt. CL
It's normal. The 358 with the 225 PT at 2450 drops deer HARD. Same goes for elk, deer and bear from my Whelen and 338. Part of that is that bullet. It expands pretty wide and it's a lot of tissue getting destroyed. I used to think it was all bore size and now I'm changing my thought to it being a lot of how much bullet diameter remains after expansion.

I'd hunt any elk, all day long with the 225 PT at over 2600. With the correct dope you are deadly out to 400 and it'll kill elk or other animals very well.
Thanks Scotty, I will be stretching it out as soon as I can find a place to do it,
That is the trouble with the East. Hard to find spots to really stretch it out and really tough to find spots to get off the bench.
I travel to PA now to use a range where I can shoot both on and off a bench but it's only 100yds.
I'm looking to join an Isaac Walton range close by that does have a 200yd range I just have a problem with the expensive dues.

I shot 17 WT bucks with the 35 Whelen and the 225 gr PT. I always got complete penetration, even one length wise on a buck that tried to play peek-a-boo with me in the cedar swamp. Only had 2-3 ever run and they were short heavy blood trails. In every case, there was a lot of internal damage to the vitals. I hit shoulders, ribs. 2 neck shots and the 225 gr PT just pulverized bone but in the immediate area only.
The 35 Whelen is a killing machine!


If you get up this way and I have some advance warning, I'll see what I have to do to take a guest to the 300 yard range I use. I'm not even sure I CAN take a guest, but I'd gladly find out if you wanted to go.
Thanks Tom that would be great maybe in the spring when it warms a little. (y) Don't care to lay on frozen ground in sub 20 degree weather.
"The .358 is considered a medium bore caliber and not suppose to carry energy due to the low BC of the fat short bullet design from what I have read and this is my first experience with shooting any thing with a bullet larger then .308. except with a muzzle loading rifle and 12ga slug."

Well the 225 Partition and Sierra GK's have about the best BC of any bullets that will work in the 358Win so they are not that bad in that department.
Silent Sam":3vt5axdq said:
"The .358 is considered a medium bore caliber and not suppose to carry energy due to the low BC of the fat short bullet design from what I have read and this is my first experience with shooting any thing with a bullet larger then .308. except with a muzzle loading rifle and 12ga slug."

Well the 225 Partition and Sierra GK's have about the best BC of any bullets that will work in the 358Win so they are not that bad in that department.
It's hard to imagine that a medium bore bullet will just bounce off game due to low BC and lack of energy :grin: I look at them as if they were a duck pin bowling ball slamming into the pins. Something with that much weight has got to move some matter and they do it well. :mrgreen:
truck driver":2i189qas said:
Thanks Tom that would be great maybe in the spring when it warms a little. (y) Don't care to lay on frozen ground in sub 20 degree weather.

I checked the club website and no mention of guest access.

I'll try to get in touch with the club pres. I've shared the range with him a few times, and he loves to chat. A lot. A LOT. lol

I'll see if it's ok to bring a guest, and if so, you're welcome to come with me as far as I'm concerned. There's steel out at 200 and 300, too. ;)
tddeangelo":3hig8e0e said:
truck driver":3hig8e0e said:
Thanks Tom that would be great maybe in the spring when it warms a little. (y) Don't care to lay on frozen ground in sub 20 degree weather.

I checked the club website and no mention of guest access.

I'll try to get in touch with the club pres. I've shared the range with him a few times, and he loves to chat. A lot. A LOT. lol

I'll see if it's ok to bring a guest, and if so, you're welcome to come with me as far as I'm concerned. There's steel out at 200 and 300, too. ;)
Sounds like a plan and I would appreciate being able to go with you. If the dues weren't to expensive I might consider joining to get full time access. (y)
Look up Hamburg Rifle & Pistol Club in Shartlesville PA.

Gotta be a closer 300 yard range than that for you, lol, but if not, that's the one I use. It's about 15 min west of Cabela's, right off I-78. Wouldn't be a terrible drive down toward MD, I guess. 78 to 81 south to 83.....

They also have a pretty nice pistol range, too.

But it's a haul for ya...
Actually I would come up threw Lancaster and cut a few miles off or up 15 to Harrisburg. I have to remember my old truck routes I used.