imr 4064 vs xmr 4064

Three powders have similar burn rates, and are each noted for exceptional accuracy in selected cartridges: A4064, Varget and IMR4064. Bulk density, diameter and length of the kernels differs with each of these powders. Everything else being equal, in medium capacity cases, Varget will give slight higher velocities than IMR4064 and A4064 will give slightly lower velocities. The differences are slight, however.
A4064 (XMR) has a somewhat shorter kernel length and it meters a little better than IMR 4064. Personally I dislike metering so better is entirely subjective. As with all same name powders from different manufacturers I would not assume that data is interchangeable. I worked up XMR loads for a 300 savage using IMR starting data for 4064 and had great results, do not have any of the IMR stuff so I can't comment on velocity differences, nor have I tried 4064 in other cartridges.