info on sightron


Feb 20, 2005
I just bought a sightron 3.5-10-50 I put on a gun that shot very good
it had a cheap bsa scope on it it would keep all shots in .5 or less
after I put the sightron on it the groups went to 1" or bigger
can any buddy hlep :cry:
What rifle? If it is a Ruger No. 1 or T/C Encore it could be related to the mount on the barrel. If it is on a bolt or other where the scope is mounted on the receiver, I would first check to insure all screws are tight. If they are, I would replace the BSA scope on the rifle and shoot again.
Reloads or factory? If factory, are they the same lot number? If reloads, how long have they been loaded? Were they all loaded with the same lot of powder/primers/powder/brass?
Could be a bad scope but need to look at other things first.Rick.
hey Rick the gun is a win featherweight mod 70 I put the bsa back on and all was back to normal and they are reloads they were loaded about one week dont think that was the prob do you :shock:
Did you check the Sightron for parallex? You can do that with the scope off the rifle. Cut two V-notches in a small cardboard box, lay the scope in the notches. Position your dominant eye to give a full view of a target at 100yds. If the crosshairs appear to move as you move your head back/forth, up/down, you have parallex. Sightron would have to correct that unless you have an adjustable objective. If that doesn't work return the scope for evaluation.Rick.
just talked to sightron they said to ship it to them and they would fix the problem 8)
Never ever had a problem with a sightron. Even had them on my 378 and 416 Wby's.