Insurance For Firearms


Feb 6, 2022
My collection has been growing and it's time to look at insuring everything in my gun safe. I am looking for suggestion or recommendations for reputable companies that insure firearms. Is it good to insure through your homeowner's insurance or is it better to insure through a company that specializes in firearms?? Any help is appreciated.
I have a separate rider through my homeowners policy. I have everything listed in a spreadsheet that includes make, model, serial number, description, and value.
FWIW, the same list is also in my trust and will.

I’ve an insurance rider as well, copy and paste the list into the trust. I also have a copy I can pull up on my phone as well as a photo album showing make model a serial number. I don’t have good photos of the scope serial numbers in some cases, but you do want to list those as well if you can get them without dismounting the scope.
Have a separate policy through association with SCI, it was inexpensive.
The photos, taken with your phone are time/date stamped. Can be very helpful in recovery if stolen as well as prosecution.
I need to do this as well. The value of gun keeps going up. Saw a Winchester ranger in 30-30 sell for 2 grand at auction.
if your firearms collection is of significant value or you need specific coverage beyond what your homeowner’s insurance offers, specialized firearms insurance may be the better option. However, for many, adding a rider to a homeowner's policy might provide sufficient coverage with the added convenience of dealing with a single insurer.
