Is this a good Chronograph?

I had it for a while. Not a Oehler 35 but not bad.
That's the one I have, it workes well most of the time but can be sensitive to different light conditions. It's not an Oehler but it also isn't priced nearly the same either, for me it is a trade off I don't mind having the few times it doesn't want to read properly. I just ignore any strange readings.
I had an Alpha and I now have two Betas as well as an Oehler. The Beta Chronys have never let me down. Good price and excellent service when you do need it.
I have had mine for about 10yrs now and really haven't had any issues. It has missed a reading here and there but not very often. If this one ever failed me I would have no problem going out and buying another one.
I have that model. I like it well enough, but it is my first chronograph, so I have no basis for comparison. Every once in a while, it'll toss an oddball reading, but typically it does very well. The remote readout is very handy... much better than hoping you can read the display on the chrony itself in all manner of light and sun position.
I have had the Chrony Master B for about four years now. I do not use it a lot, maybe 2-3 times per year. Mine is pretty reliable but will throw a strange reading once in a while. Never had any reliability issues.
I have one too, and find it does quite well.

Mine seems to throw odd readings when the lighting is strange, and the 9V battery doesn't last long if you leave it connected no matter what the instructions say. New 9V batteries seem to fix most of the error issues.
I have the F1 and the next one up the line as well. I've shot over them and a friend's Oehler and the difference was not enoughh to worry about. They were set up so we could shoot over both at the same time.
Paul B.
Great Canadian-made unit! 8)

The F1 is a good little chrony and all you will need is a pad and pencil to keep track of your strings.
I've had two Chronies, the first developed shock sensitivity after it was about six years old, so I traded it in on a Beta Master. Sometimes when sun is low in the horizon it will not read, but that's not the time of day I usually use it anyway. I have found that if you keep bullets going right through the center and six to eight inches over the sensors it seems to be reliable as a stone.