It's Just a Different .270...


Aug 19, 2012
Well, in all the usual hubbub and all that goes with it, and still going on some, I laid my dear old Mom to rest on the 9th. With all the wonderful folks who came to show their respect for her and my family, I ended up selling my brand new, pillar bedded, blueprinted, never fired Mod 700 CDL .270 to an old friend. I know, I'm weird, but I spent the money on a "different" .270 platform. An M4 clone in 6.8SPC. I covered several bases with that set up ( for social and recreational use BTW) and am gathering up gear, ammo and such for it now. I felt no love for the new CDL, my old Belgium .270 BAR called to me as much and as loud as my old Mod 700 Whelen AI, realizing I only have about another 57 yrs left on this earth ( I'm shooting for 120, if the Rapture tarries :) and I wanted to use these old favorites. I had not had an M4 clone for several years, too bolted together and stiff to take the Urban Rifle Courses I used to do with a Bushmaster M4 clone so traded it off. However, training on the M16 Stoner design began at age 18 and has never really stopped since. My SIL keeps my Bushmaster Predator AR and it is wicked, but long and heavy, not a good trunk gun. I looked long and hard at the 7.62x39 again, but kept remembering how much I liked reading about the 6.8SPC, for coyotes, deer, hogs and Jihadis, and how natural an M4 is too me, so decided, "hey, why not"? So a DPMS with an aftermarket upper is headed my way. So, sorry guys, there will be no 24" barrel .270 bolt gun load workups now. (Unless my friend wants some help. ) My BAR shoots the 130PT into a solid .70", no kidding, so I will later on refine a 150-160gr bullet for it. But at least the 6,8 is really a .270 caliber! ha
Do what you want as it's your money. You earned it so you get to spend it. :)
I like your thought process to come to you end result. You look at training, familiarity, and other factors to reach a logical conclusion. Many would be well served, even me, to take a page from your playbook.


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Glad you got what you wanted Jim. That 6.8 SPC is a neat cartridge and Nosler along with Barnes make some dandy bullets for it. Sounds like it'll cover some fun ground for you.

Fact of the matter, it's pretty fun trying different cartridges and stuff like that. I'm always interested in folks load work on here. It allows me and others to live vicariously a little to see if I'd like one of my own.

Can't wait to see what you come up with for the AR though.
Thanks guys, kind words, really appreciated. I have mentioned before that I don't like to accumulate at this season of my life, and I don't mind selling/trading to get something different, I feel I'm being a better steward, both with my money ( we can always get more money, but it has to be respected) and my time ( irreplaceable at best, wasted at worst) ha. I still believe the 2nd Amendment means a militia/citizen that has the same type of small arms the military uses...I don't want or need any Class 3 ,but a free Citizen might 'want one", so go for it I tell them. I'm preaching to the choir again... :oops: :lol:

PS Scotty, I know Marines like to use a KBar and their hands, but I bet you've had bookoo training on the M4 too, ha.
preacher":l82lk9vu said:
PS Scotty, I know Marines like to use a KBar and their hands, but I bet you've had bookoo training on the M4 too, ha.

I've seen a few of them over the years... :lol:

I built this 277 WLV for a similar purpose, light big game hunting. I think it will work great for my daughter and deer/caribou.

Your 6.8 is just more of a good thing. 100 and 110gr accubonds, along with 90gr BSB, will work great for you. The BSB are still available as seconds from time to time at a great value.

I'm betting you will enjoy it.

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Preacher Jim, sorry to here about your mother passing. I'm in the same boat as you since my collecting days are over and want to shoot what I have and get the most out of them.
That M4 should be fun.
Mr. preacher. So sorry to hear of your mothers passing, they may be gone but NEVER forgotten. As to a good rifle passing to a good friend there is nothing better, I hope that he enjoys it. Now.. to the 6.8. I honestly believe outside of the 300 blackout its the best M4/M16/AR15 cartridge out there. Remington did a great job on it and really feel that it and the Grendel are the best of the best in the AR world. My son an I are in the process of building a 2 upper set and its a toss up between 6.8/300 and 223/300.
Thanks guys, mom had turned 91 back in September and though she wanted to stay here ( why, I don't know!) her old body just wore out. It was a gentle passing, as it always is for Believers in my observations. Anyhow, as an 18yr old, the M16 was a "Spacegun", ha, and growing up with the 30-30 and a 30-06, when I first saw the 5.56 round, I felt "a bit dismayed". And when we shot them over 200 meters in any kind of wind, wow, I was sure glad I was only going to have to use it in the jungle, ha. Then, thanks to Mr Nixon, I ended up in "much windier than even Wyoming"! ha. At 300 meters our bullets were blown 6 to 7ft over, ha. But, by then, I was in a 8" Arty unit and an M16 was just a personal weapon, I preferred the M60.
But up in town, a 5.56 ran right, hey, I'd fight any boogerman "if" I could use M193 or more franglible. My Marine Force Recon SIL used the 77gr Black Hills ammo in Iraq (heck, he never even complained about FMJ in his M9!) He said it was awesome stuff. But I had never tried any other heavier caliber in the M4/M16 clones. I first saw the 6x45 in a gunstore in Tulsa, back in my Bible college days. They used it on deer and hogs like crazy around there! Of course, there were Armalite 7.62x51s around but what a hog! Too big for what I always wanted. I've always loved playing with wildcats, but always used a bolt, single shot, or levergun ( my old Uncle who had "courrupted me" as a teen with tall tales of wildcats loved the old 219 Zipper!) So this will be my first production "legitimized" wildcat in an AR. As a native Texan, our deer on the coast were/still are pretty small, so it never took much rifle for them. Hogs are much better bullet tests, and the old Barnes x was a revelation to me, even in a little 527 .221 Fireball/ 50gr XLC. ( I read alot of John Wooters and his 25 Copperhead ( 25/223) For barriers, windshields, coyotes, deer, hogs,I feel better about the 6.8 round;, one never knows anymore ( if we ever did) when where and what kind of bad guys ( wolves) go for the sheep...I mean, 'good folks". :) I've always been more of a "Sheepdog" than a "Shepherd". :)
bear- you mentioned that 90gr BSB, it reminds me of the old .223 cal 55gr Trophy Bonded Bearclaw I used in the 220 Swift. I killed mule deer, axis deer, and Blackbuck antelope with that thing like nobodies business. I had the privilege of speaking me Mr Carter about that bullet. he told me the Federal govt bought bookoo of them for the .223 because it would even shoot through bullet proof glass! Now think of that...I gues it 'bit" with that bonded lead nose and the rest of the base punched on through. I never used it in the .223 , that 220 Swift was all. But I am going to try some of those 90 BSB in the 6.8, thanks!
Put my 6.8 together last time Hilary was running for president. Mine has a 16in 1/10 barrel and likes the 120gr SSTs.
Mine has a 1/11" twist and it "may" have the SPCII chamber, but I'm not sweating it. I spent last evening setting up the A3 handle/sight for it and my scope set up. I like being able to switch. I had a new Bushnell 1.5x4.5 Dusk to Dawn for another project ( which fell through, natch) and I put it on a .75" detachable riser with Weaver Quad 4 rings. Its plenty for what I want. I have a Bushmaster Predator set up with a 4x12 so this is more all around. I don't have an Aimpoint, and don't think I'll get another, in fact, I have no problems witht he A3 M4 rear for up close and personal. Added a new Single point sling, loaded mags...all I need is time to hit the range, ha.
Jim, I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your Mom. Unfortunately we all know that one day we will leave this world to a beautiful place where we will spend eternity:)!
I am looking forward to your further reports on that 6.8 (y).

I just got this baby all set up now, just waiting for some range time to get everything sighted in. I have gathered up assorted factory ammo...110 HPBT, 110Vmax, 115 Fed fmj, 90gr Nosler BSB and some 100gr GMX. I figure on sticking with the small rifle primer sized cases. I have a wad of Rem 7 1/2 primers. If I run across some 120 SST ammo locally I'll try it too. I have to say I am pretty jazzed about this round in the AR. I'd be just as jazzed if I had found one in 6.5 Grendal too, as far as I'm concerned, but I'm happy. I like the hunting aspect of it, but I also like the reported effect on bad guys. Remember, its not being "paranoid" if they really are "out there", ha
Can't wait to hear how it shoots. Need to get you to snap some pics for Jim. We do like pictures every now and again 8)
I've been as reluctant to learn how to do that as you have to buying a good 30-06 Scotty! ha. I even remember a picture of your wife, who is a blonde.(so is mine BTW!) I know you were just as scared of Red heads as me, ( a sign of phone cameras/30-06 fears? ha) lol. No, I'll get it done, I'll just get my grandkids to show me! ( I'm not kidding about those red heads.. ALL the women on my side of the family (except my own daughters) have red hair and lots of freckles...Scots Irish you know, and just as rough as their brothers were! ha)
Hopefully within the next two weeks I can get to the range to zero/work out this puppy! I am waaay behind the curve on several rifles/load combos! My 338 Federal and 200gr Speers; my new to me Winchester Mod 70 FWT/30-06 to get zeroed with its Leupold 2.5x8 and this 6.8SPC to zero its peep and its scope!