It's what's for Dinner!


May 12, 2009
My son killed his first elk last night. Made dad proud! We were hunting the Heppner unit in OR. on his cow hunt before football starts next week. We broke up a large herd and then got the cow call out and set up between the two groups. It wasn't long before a cow appeared at 90yds and my son put it down with one shot from my 325WSM shooting 220gr Sierras. That's when the fun started! It was 91 degrees when the cow dropped. I normally would let my son do it but I've taken apart about 26 or 27 elk in the past 30 years so I took over with him helping. We were about 400yds from the truck. I use the gutless method and had the cow apart and bagged in 45 minutes then we each threw a leg over our shoulders and headed for the truck. Then doubled back with the pack frames. My boy had the last two legs on his pack while I carried the loins, back straps and rib/neck meat. He made it look easy but he's 6'2" and 215lbs at 17. He's playing middle linebacker this year. All I have to say is "Woe to the running backs he hits this year". We got back to camp and I boned out the legs then placed all the meat in coolers with lots of ice. From shot to last cooler closing it was less than 3 hours. Made it home this afternoon and finished butchering everything just before dinner. Normally I like to age the meat some but hanging it wasn't an option. Didn't seem to affect the flavor any though.
Sorry, no pictures of the kid grinning ear to ear(battery dead in camera and we weren't carrying phones do to lack of coverage). A plate of back strap will have to do.


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[emoji1]. Very nice! Congratulations to you son and best wishes to a fun. Football season!

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Congratulations. Yeah, field dressing in heat is no joy, but fully necessary. That plate promises to be a great meal!.
That's pretty good timing for getting one down and done. Hard to beat elk for dinner fare!

I was grinning hearing you speak of your son helping. My youngest is 18 now and is 6'2" and hits the scales at 225 or so. He played defensive end but, should have played middle linebacker with his speed.

It's got to be good to have a younger stronger beast in the family for hauling elk out! :>)
Congratulations to you and your son. Very nicely done.
Time to enjoy the fruits of the hunt.
Great deal! Thanks for sharing! Congrats and good luck to your son on the upcoming football season!

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Ya gotta love it when a plan comes together.

Congrats to the both of you.
Scott please congratulate your son on a fine animal (y).
After your description of your Lad I was wondering if I could ask this question :lol: what did you have for supper because that was likely his portion :mrgreen:!!
