I love my 95 in 30/06 especially since the the recoil was a lot lighter than expected, but I have never been a fan of the buckhorn rear sight. So I ordered a repro Lyman 21 from Providence Tool Company. Took it to the range finally yesterday afternoon to get a good zero on it to use it in East Texas on Whitetail and hogs this year. With Winchester 150 gr PowerMaxs' it shoots 2 inches high at 25 and 2 FEET HIGH at 100 yards with the elevation bottomed out! The windage was very easy if not old school to set and at 100 it will hold an albiet high but 2 1/2 inch 3 shot group. I know I need a much taller front sight blade.
Has anyone else had this problem? If so what size front sight and where did ya get it from?
Has anyone else had this problem? If so what size front sight and where did ya get it from?