Just another plug for Leupold

R Flowers

Oct 23, 2004
My dad and I went hog hunting Friday and Saturday and we just had the greatest time as usual.

We were both using rifles equiped with Leupold 4.5X14X40 Long Range scopes and could not be happier with their performance.

We got into some hogs at damned near dark on Friday evening and were both happy with the light gathering of these scopes. It was quickly approaching dark and we were able to collect two nice hogs in the dim light.

The next morning after hunting for a while we retired to the cabin on the ranch we were hunting. There is a 18 inch gong set up at a measured 400 yards from the front porch and we took a few shots at it. Both of our guns have the Boone and Crockett reticle and it was no problem to keep our shot within 4 inches or so of the center of that gong.
