Kimber 84L stockwork

EOD Diver

Dec 30, 2011
Been a little while since I've posted anything I'm afraid, but Irma gave me a little time to knockout a few more E7 evals and tinker with a rifle I've been wanting to fix for awhile. As some of you know, Kimber used a slave stock to bed their rifles and the results were less than great, with the barrel not being centered in the channel. This irked me enough finally do something about it, so I went to work with a Dremmel tool and and some sandpaper. I did my first bedding job using Devcon steel putty and it seemed to work alright. I used clear Kiwi shoe polish as a release agent and it seemed to work pretty well. I was a little worried when I found a blob in the locking lug recess, but it came out with out too much trouble. I'm hopeful it will shoot a little better now that it's a perfect fit, centered, and has a little more clearance. I've got a few coats of finish left to apply and then we'll go from there.


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Looking pretty good, Joe. Yeah, Kimber seems to have some difficulties from time-to-time with QC on several aspects of their product. Looks as if you're addressing it correctly, though. Good to see the post.
Looks good , I can never seem to mix enough of the stuff to do a complete job since I was use to use a different product that ran everywhere .
That looks really good. I've only bedded the recoil lug and rear tang on a couple rifles. Honestly I've not got brave enough to do the whole action. But that looks really good.

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What a great day guys! New had 8 guys pin on Chief Petty Officer today! Thanks fellas for the feedback on the bedding job. We'll see how it of these days. I finally got all my reloading equipment, but don't have any of my old powders. Florida isn't exactly reloading Mecca, so I'm starting from scratch again out here until I can get back to NM in October. I'm excited to hunt the ranch for elk that my nephew works on with both kids in tow, but fear that I may not have a load worked up for that 270 that's getting the nod this year. The family didn't draw squat this year, so this is a hand out tag from my nephew to keep us in elk meat this winter. The kids are getting really excited! Maybe the wife will clear me hot to buy a pound or two online and scratch up some primers.
I know Kimber's QC and customer service are in the toilet, but something about that svelte little CRF action and the 280AI cartridge keep me coming back for more. It just seems like a really slick little mtn rifle if I can get it dialed in.
Kimbers can be made to shoot quite well. When they come together, they really shine. You are correct that they are handsome. Trust you tag an elk this fall, Joe. Sounds like a great day for you.
Very cool about all of the CPO's getting promoted Joe! That's excellent.

I agree on the Kimbers. Got one for my CWO4 buddy who just retired in a 270 Win.. when I handled it I almost had to keep it and get a Remington for him....HAHAHAHAHAHA

If you need something for the 270 or the 280 let me know. Can't have a fellow warrior trying to make meat without being set up for success.
Thank you brother and I appreciate it, but I just found a line on some RL26 and 215M primers. I'm good on bullets, dies, and everything else. Now all that's left is to convince the wife! Wish me luck! She's not budging just yet.
Good luck Joe! 26 is some kinda awesome in every 270 I've seen so far. It will attain safe, blistering speeds. Love the stuff.
Alright guys, I'm happy to say that I've got some RL 26, cci 250s, and a new primer tool en route! That means I'm almost ready to start reloading again! It also means I need to get on my horse because we leave October 7th to travel to back to NM for our elk hunt and I'd really love to have that 150 ABLR load for my 270 dialed in.
Tonight I'm going to see if the front guard screw is too long on my Kimber 280ai and bottoming out into the action using liquid paper dabbed on top. I wish I could say I thought of that trick, but saw it on the web for some folks trying to fix inaccurate Kimbers. When the screws are too long it doesn't allow for an accurate torquing of stock to action. Guess we'll see!


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Well, it looks like the action screw length is good. My liquid paper indicator was untouched when I clamped it down to 60 inch/lbs with the fat wrench. Having never used a torque wrench for action screws before, I'm here to tell you that 60 ip is no joke! I hope it doesn't torque or twist the svelte little action in someway that would make it inaccurate. Guess time will tell when I get it to the range.