
Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
My old buddy recently returned from his hunt in Kyrgyzstan. I don't have permission (yet) to share photos from his trip online, but WOW!

Crazy tough conditions. Deep snow, steep mountainous terrain, high altitude, cold (really cold!) weather. Couple of pretty normal range shots, both under 400 yards.

One fine looking Marco Polo sheep, and one fine looking Ibex fell to his .308 Win/Rem 700.

He told me that it was an incredible hunt. Difficult. Very challenging. Exciting. Riding the little ponies. Coping with waist-deep snow. Living with beet soup, bread and meat from sheep, ibex and horses.

I hope to have some photos to share, but wow... About all I can really say at this point. Incredible hunt, and I'm really happy for him.

Looking forward to seeing the photos! That was an expensive hunt "50 yrs ago", much less in todays dollars! ha Most hunts I've ever read about for those two animals the hunters chose magnum cartridges. I'm surprised he took a .308, but only because its rare to see it. I always think of a modern .308 being every bit the equal of an early 30-06 Sprg. It was used "a lot" for that kind of game as you know, :)
This is the fellow I was so worried about, because we built his ammo for the hunt, literally days before he left. He barely had time to check the zero, and fire a couple of groups.

But - turned out his long-term use of this .308 worked out well for him. We did indeed build accurate ammo! Whew! I've seen him, from prone, hammer a 6" gong at 600 yards, shot after shot with that rifle at the range. I knew my buddy could shoot, particularly with that rifle, but was concerned because the bullet was new to us.

He worked hard, and got his game. I am impressed. And a little jealous! BTW, the difficulties encountered on this hunt, were incredible. Vast distances, terrible weather, illness, yet it was apparently one heck of a hunt.

Thank you Guy for the update, I sure hope that he will give you permission to get into a little more detail and maybe a photo or 2.
Thanks again (y).

Sounds as if it will be a great story when we are able to hear it. Those are hard hunts from all I've ever heard. Looking forward to the account and the pictures.
preacher":8c8nzfzg said:
Looking forward to seeing the photos! That was an expensive hunt "50 yrs ago", much less in todays dollars! ha Most hunts I've ever read about for those two animals the hunters chose magnum cartridges. I'm surprised he took a .308, but only because its rare to see it. I always think of a modern .308 being every bit the equal of an early 30-06 Sprg. It was used "a lot" for that kind of game as you know, :)

Preacher, my mum hunted the same two animals but in Tajikistan and she used a 280 AI. Jim ( JD338 ) gets credit for the bullet used ( 140 AB )

Mr Miner, congratulations to your friend. I have never gone, but mum and dad tell me it is a very challenging hunt, so again congratulations to your friend, he did very well on a very tough hunt.

Best Regards

Very cool Guy. Can't wait to hear the details.

Must be your buddy doesn't read the internet enough, 308's can't hardly kill stuff :lol:
Many moons ago when I was going to buy my first "real" deer rifle (other than a 30-30) I read and researched (way before internet) and the info I could find at the time said a 308 was a smidgen more accurate than a 30-06 and about 100 fps/ft lbs of energy less. Plus, police and military snipers used it so that added a cool factor for me.

I got a 700 BDL, killed my first deer using 150 gr Silvertips, and later began reloading for it. My friend who got me up and running said it was very easy to load for and, therefore, a good round to start with. I found this was true and, in my experience, any of the 308 family of cartridges followed suit.

I currently own more 308's than any other caliber because I've always had an affinity for it, along with it's offspring. I have a goal to kill a deer using all the 308 based rounds and have the 243 and 358 yet to go. I have also noticed on this forum that there are a significant number of folks using the 7mm-08, simply because it WORKS with no fanfare.

For me, my 308's and 25-06's are neck and neck as my favorite deer rounds.
SJB358":2xaveefg said:
Very cool Guy. Can't wait to hear the details.

Must be your buddy doesn't read the internet enough, 308's can't hardly kill stuff :lol:

So true Scotty.

rjm158-- 308, 30-06, 300 H & H, somewhat forgotten calibers, which is unfortunate.

Jamila, from memory, your mother hired a translator to accompany them on her Marco Polo hunt and I also seem to remember she was accompanied by one of our friends from Alaska.

Guy, what a great adventure for your friend. I always wanted to hunt them, but we never did, maybe Dr Mike and I will team up in our next lifetime to do so. Anyway, congratulations to your friend, he did very very well!