
May 26, 2012
Today was mildly irritating.

Got to the Seattle airport two hours before my flight and the jackwagon working at baggage check in said I needed to be three hours early to check my dog in. He then booked me on another flight in coach. 🤬

Found out later from another Alaska Airline employee that I only needed to be ninety minutes early. So I missed my first class breakfast meal, free drinks, and arrived later than expected. It’s a good thing I will never see said jackwagon again because I would like to perform an illegal act upon his personage that would put me behind bars.

If I have a choice I will never fly Alaska Airlines again. Missing a meal isn’t usually a big deal but as an insulin dependent diabetic it created a slight problem for me health wise. I ended up having a low blood sugar that I needed to treat.

Alaska is beautiful from the little bit I’ve seen so far. I’m in a hotel for two nights before I get the keys to my apartment. My Jeep should arrive in a couple weeks. I just hope Alaska Marine Lines is better than Alaskan Airlines.

I can only think that said jackwagon bumped me so someone else could check me in. Either that or he was doing what he could to disrupt the “system” in support of the picketing stewardesses that are trying to get a bigger raise. I was really looking forward to this flight as it was going to be my first time flying first class.

So I’m boots on the ground wishing I could strike a certain jackwagon about the head and shoulders with my trusty battle scared Maglight. That will never happen because I’m going to avoid Alaska Airlines, avoid Seattle as much as possible, and on the slightest chance that I may see said jackwagon again I will walk away or tell him to get someone else to help me.

Today’s experience helps to remind me why I generally dislike and avoid people. I refuse to let it spoil my enjoyment of Alaska however.



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Vince I hauled dogs to Alaska for twenty years, never had to be three hours early. I was always two hours early for the 0600 flight. AK air was always helpful. I'd file a complaint unless there has been a recent change in policy you happened to miss. If it wasn't in writing it didn't happen and they owe you.
Most likely your Jeep will be late! It's winter there is bad weather, rough seas, might even be some ice. Anchorage isn't too bad but I've seen the barge two weeks late out in King Salmon. Figure it'll be late, if it's not you'll be happy.
You need to forget reliable schedules. They are only somewhat reliable in town, far less in the bush. (In Alaska, if someone says they are going to town, they are going to Anchorage. )
If you're out in King Salmon or somewhere like that, they fly jets into, you can get stuck for a couple days. If you get real remote, small plane kind of thing, just plan on being late.
I have some waders and a Loomis rod to send you get me your address.
Congrats on getting there! Put that jackwagon behind you and don't let it sour your outlook.

I haven't spent near as much time in Alaska as ol' Salmonchaser - but what he said about travel & schedules is 100% correct. Weather has a huge influence on travel times. I sometimes spent a couple of extra days hanging out in Cordova, waiting for weather clear enough to fly me out to the salmon fishing lodge... There's not that much to see in Cordova, I think I covered it all in a few hours, including their museum! :)

I'd always rather wait for the pilot to decide that the weather was good enough to fly than to push. He knows. Especially liked it when I'd learn that our pilot had been flying small planes in Alaska for a couple of decades and was still alive.

Enjoy the great state of Alaska!

Just trudged 1/4 mile in four feet of snow.

For a guy that’s 5’6” it was a workout! I think I can skip leg day tomorrow. 🤣 I walked from my hotel to my new apartment to sign the lease, get the keys, and pay my rent/deposit.

A kind soul drove me back to the hotel. I didn’t realize how tiring trudging through snow was. I think I’m going to get some snow shoes right pronto. At least when I fall down in snow, an event that occurred multiple times, I don’t have far to fall being so short.

I’m really thankful for the Carhartt Overalls and Coat I was smart enough to buy. I’m also really glad I went to Kansas before coming here because it taught me that my planned footwear was insufficient. I broke down and bought some Baffin snow boots and they are doing the job! 👍🏻



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When Willy Sutton, my Jeep, gets here I’ll register it, get an Alaska driver’s license, and buy a gun safe from Cabela’s.

Vince I hauled dogs to Alaska for twenty years, never had to be three hours early. I was always two hours early for the 0600 flight. AK air was always helpful. I'd file a complaint unless there has been a recent change in policy you happened to miss. If it wasn't in writing it didn't happen and they owe you.
Most likely your Jeep will be late! It's winter there is bad weather, rough seas, might even be some ice. Anchorage isn't too bad but I've seen the barge two weeks late out in King Salmon. Figure it'll be late, if it's not you'll be happy.
You need to forget reliable schedules. They are only somewhat reliable in town, far less in the bush. (In Alaska, if someone says they are going to town, they are going to Anchorage. )
If you're out in King Salmon or somewhere like that, they fly jets into, you can get stuck for a couple days. If you get real remote, small plane kind of thing, just plan on being late.
I have some waders and a Loomis rod to send you get me your address.
I got a partial refund and some miles on my Alaska Airlines frequent flyer membership.

Had my first day at work.
It was really short, four hours, orientation and a quick tour. It’s a lot different than the prisons in the lower 48. So laid back.
I’m still loving it here and really liking the folks I’ve met so far. I don’t think I can go back to the lower 48 to live.
