last days of '09 (update, pic added)


Sep 29, 2006
ok, the rest of my long range season.
A year ago I promised a young lady who bear hunts with us some to let her try a shot with the 7 AM on a deer, so 12/30 I met her and her BF at a local store to take her hunting.
I explained to them that I didn't want her trying a shot beyond 600 yards because in my experience thats where things change and without experience on the rifle at those ranges chances of a first round hit decrease beyond 600 yards. So we went to one of the places where I hunt a good deal. its a bank above a 4 lane highway where you can see the whole side of the ridge, max. range is 670 yards with most of the deer seen at around 530-600 yards.

now from the bottom center of the pic, look at 10:30upper left just under the ridgetop is an open area, thats where her deer appeared. It was cold (16°) I instructed her to wait for a good broadside shot and hold center shoulder. she took her time and hammered the doe, I saw the impact and the back end hit the ground first, lazered range was 575 yards.
when I got home I had a message from my redneck bearhunting buddies in the adjoining county that we were hunting the next day for deer on the big farm that they own, so I repacked the 7mm AM, grabbed another 20 rounds and left the next morning in a snowstorm to go hunting, needless to say with 4" of new snow on top of a foot left over from the last storm, I was late for breakfast.
We got to the farm at about 7:20 AM, layed an 8'x8' sheet of carboard down set the rifle up . we saw deer immediately and again I explained about the 600 yard reccomendation.
first shooter up is a young guy we call hulio, he picked out a big doe at 520 yards, I explained the whole process best I could as time allowed and started to make the scope adjustments. While rechecking my pda my glasses broke, the left lense fell into the snow never to be saw again. Now you may not think this a big deal but let me explain.
I'm 50 years old, near-sighted as heck with 20/65 vision in my right eye, here I am trying to read a palm pda with a screensize the same as a pack of ciggarettes, wasn't gonna happen.
So there I was my reading glasses on upside down trying to read the screen by holding it off to the left so my right eye wasn't confusing the one I use to see with, well finaly got the scope set, I looked pretty silly, so the redneck crowd says.
when the deer turned broadside he held center shoulder and fired, the doe never as much as kicked, just folded up.
another mature doe stood up close to the dead one and we were debating on who wanted to shoot next when a jeep pulled into the field, a guy got out, and asked how things were going, we said great, hulio just killed a deer at 520 yards, where he said, over on the next top beside that deer standing over there. I've never shot anything that far he said, well give it a whirl, scopes allready set. he sighted and sighted finaly he broke the trigger, shot was a bit low but the deer sprinted 40 yards and went down. have no idea who that guy was but he was happy!
skeeter was next up, but he didn't want one at 600 yards he wanted to say he shot one at 800, I told him again about the 600 yard threshold, but he witnessed me killing a buck 2 years ago at 822 yards, and he'd shot one that same day at 567 and he knew it was easier than I let on, so we got him set up to shoot where deer were crossing a gasline at 787 yards7 deer got by before he could get the crosshair on them.
finaly one started feeding and he got time for a shot, a miss, and another miss, and another. finaly I got on the rifle, adjusted the focus to remove the parralex, instructed him to watch the level and slowly squeeze, he finaly connected the 4th shot.
then a guy hollared that my deer was spottedit was crossing a gasline at 926 yards, with the glasses on upside down again and furiously trying to get the droptable to pull up on the palm to the page 850-1000 yards, the deer just walked into the timber with no shot fired. I had just removed my broken glasses when they yelled another deer crossing the gasline what luck, another deer at 926, the rifle is set and good to go. I set the focus, leveled the rifle, loaded the bipod and missed bad! shot again, no impact, no reaction, nothing. Then I saw it, a black spot in the snow just above a set of fresh tracks, I knew then that the deer was farther than 926 yards.
judgeing what I was seeing in the snow, and knowing I didn't have time to get the broken glasses out I took my best guess set the scope for 1000 yards +1/4 moa (15 moa total elevation) and fired, the deers reaction told the story 1.4 seconds later, backend drooped, front end came off the ground and a 20 yard death dash. on retrival I ranged back to the rest of the party and got 1005 yards.
we spent the rest of the afternoon testing a friends 300 win mag at ranges to 400 yards. sorry for the long post.

Pic of most of the deer taken with the 7mm AM that day, thats hulio, one of the kids who got his first taste of long range hunting


Great story! Congratulations on your success.
Man, I wish I lived closer to you. :lol:

The main reason I do this a couple days a year is to see the grin when they realize they just killed a deer at that range, Hulio was belly down in the snow beside me for the 1005 shot, when the deer reacted to the impact he got up and did a dance like a NFL player in the endzone.
If me and my rifle can unleash this kind of passion amongst our young people , I'll burn large charges of powder as long as deer hunting is legal, takes me back many years ago to my first long range deer. Dec 2, 1981 I set a goal to kill a deer on purpose at 1000 yards, I did that, now I got all these extra bullets!!!

Thats great! Pass it on.
Exactly the reason I became a state certified Hunter Safety Instructor. Its very rewarding to give something back through the kids.
Thanks for all that you do for the sport!


Great story and thanks for sharing.... Anytime out with the younger crowd and getting pumped like that is a "Really Good" thing.

Great shooting. Congrats on all of those deer. That is some incredible shooting and really great instruction. Might need to get up to WV and get some schooling from you. Scotty
c'mon up scotty,your welcome anytime, as long as I got ammo and people wanting to learn I'll be showing just what a modern rifle can do, I just hope it induces the drive to learn in others that that unfortunate 7 point buck instilled in me from 606 yards away in 1981.
RR, what part of WV you from. My best hunting buddy is from there. He goes back every other year to hunt. He's taking me one of these days when we can get the time.
Ridge_Runner":9wt5nf8y said:
Hardy county, western edge of the eastern panhandle.


My Dad was born in Clarksburg, WV. :grin:

JD338":61w7etz7 said:
Ridge_Runner":61w7etz7 said:
Hardy county, western edge of the eastern panhandle.


My Dad was born in Clarksburg, WV. :grin:


and mine was born in apache ok, I just got here by the grace of god
Man, you never know when I could end up on your door step. I have wanted to see what kind of equipment you have. I know what we use, but I want something for hunting. You have made some incredible shots. Scotty
Nice RR!!

Glad to hear you got a few people a LR kill!! That is just awesome. Truly does make believers out of some, and hopefully they'll get into it as well!

Congrats on the 1005 yd deer kill as well!!

What rangefinder were you using?? Have you figured the cause of the misreading?
BTW, my goal is set at 1K for a biggame kill as well. I'm 85 yards short, lol. It will happen one day though. Just waiting for the right oppurtuity...

Have a feeling though when I get to 1K, the next goal will be 1500, lol.
Its a leica 1200, it didn't give me the misreading, in the fracus I just assumed the second deer was walking the same trail as the first, it was ranged at 926.
The snow was warming up fast and the air got a bit hazy from evaporating snow so there was no reading when the guys tried to range after I saw the impacts and the other fresh deer trail. so I guessed at 75 yards difference spun the dial and shot, when you have witnesses ""I'd rather be lucky than good"
Ahh I see. Thanks for the clarification.

How do you like the leica 1200?? I am thinking about getting one. I need one for my 338 EDGE, but dont have the money for my own swaro yet...

What are the quirks about it? Sunny days effect it much? Hows it work over realy flat terrain? I'd like it to range to 1200 consistently on gongs, coyotes, deer, rocks, elk, bears, over wheat fields, sagebrush flats, across mountain canyons. If it will do that, I'd buy one, if it wont, I might have to save a few more months and just get a swaro.
well you need to take almost as good of a rest to range as to shoot to get the max range readings, but I have ranged deer to 1218 yards with it, I'm quite satisfied with it but I need a swuaro if I'm ever gonna break 1500, got 151 yards to go. Till I can swing a swuaro, guess I'll use spotter shots if the perfect opprotunity arises.