Lee Factory Crimp Die


Mar 21, 2007
How many people use a Lee Factory Crimp Die? A mate of mine talked me into using one on my .30/303. It crimps really well, with or without canulure, but it looks like it makes a bit of a mess of the top of the neck. Unfortunately due to a broken ankle I haven't had a chance to try them out yet. Will the crimp blow out when firing? just wondering if anyone had any experience using these crimp dies versus a roll crimp die? :?:
i really like them for hunting ammo, but they do work harden the brass. i normally only use brass a few times for hunting ammo so it has never been a problem
I have one coming my way for both of my hunting rifles. Was not aware that it worked it the brass more. :?
Thanks for the replies guys. My mate swears by using them on everything. I think I will stick with it for my .30/303, not so sure whether it's really necessary for my .22/250 though. :lol:
You just have to try it and see if the rifle likes it from an accuracy standpoint. It CAN increase pressures BTW if you're right on the limit.