LEOSA Qual today!

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
I'm pretty excited! Later today I head out to "my" old police range, which I ran for quite a few years. Get to hang out with my cop buddies, and I get to shoot the Washington State LEOSA qual course. :grin:

It isn't a tough qual to pass. All short range shooting, no farther than 15 yards, and only 25 shots. But I enjoy doing it anyway. Usually I also manage to talk my way into being able to qualify on the regular police course, which takes twice as much ammo, goes out to 25 yards, and has much tighter time constraints as well as some other fun things, like dealing with a dummy round placed into the magazine by the instructor. :grin:

Years ago I came up with the police course, so I'm pretty familiar with it! :wink:

The LEOSA course qualifies me to carry concealed, nationwide. I like that.

Yup, should be a very good morning.

Guy Miner":29f4td2e said:
The LEOSA course qualifies me to carry concealed, nationwide. I like that.


Do all states recognize it? I heard an Army MSgt MP got arrested and sentenced in New Jersey! The only reason I do not have mine yet
Ah, it felt so good to head out to the police range and shoot with my old buddies today. I used to run that range, now I'm only out there once or twice a year.

For those who don't know, the 2004 LEOSA, Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act, allows retired cops like me, who maintain our handgun qualification annually, to carry in all 50 states. This is great for me personally, and I believe that more importantly, it puts a lot of qualified, experienced, concealed carry guys 'n gals out there on the streets. Ready to help if necessary.

Frankly I wish all law-abiding American firearms owners had a national right to carry. Perhaps someday we will have that!

At any rate - it's not a difficult qual - just 25 shots from 3 yards to 15 yards. Some drawing from the holster, some shooting from the "ready" some strong side, some weak side shooting. I did pretty well, scoring 250/250, but I can see that my group should be higher in the silhouette, and there are a few wide shots that should be tightened up. I used Nosler 185 grain JHP ammo for today's qual, with my old Kimber 1911, adding 25 more shots to the total.


Sure felt good to get out on the police range with my old buddies again.

Regards, Guy
Fotis - it's national law - but I'll never set foot in New Jersey.

Way too much anti-gun sentiment there. California is also suspect. I believe that law enforcement officers from other states have gotten into trouble for carrying concealed in both New Jersey and California.

However I don't have those references at hand.

FOTIS":203h75tf said:
Do not forget NYC and Chicago!

I haven't lost anything in either of those places either... :wink:

I could see visiting either of those places, particularly NYC. Never have been there, and it would be interesting. I'll have to figure out how to get there without touching New Jersey... :wink:

Good people in all those places, I know that. But they're NOT gun friendly, particularly not handgun friendly. I kinda put on my handgun, when I get dressed every day. Have done that for an awful lot of years now, Doubt I change...

Talking about Jersey and NYC brings back old trucking memories which none of them were good and after I was assaulted one mourning in the Bronx and ended up in the ER later when I got home, I always carried my Colt 1911 loaded with 230gr GI Ball after that just because I knew it would stop the perp.
I had a New Jersey trouper till me it was better to be judged by 12 then carried by six when I referred to the lack of ability to defend myself because of the laws in Jersey.
I seem to recall a famous case many years ago in which a truck driver passing through New Jersey ended up being arrested and charged for a shotgun he kept in the cab. Sadly I don't remember many of the details.

Believe I read it in the NRA's American Rifleman.

Guy Miner":aswxoa3n said:
I seem to recall a famous case many years ago in which a truck driver passing through New Jersey ended up being arrested and charged for a shotgun he kept in the cab. Sadly I don't remember many of the details.

Believe I read it in the NRA's American Rifleman.

you are so right but he made the mistake of having it loaded in plain sight.
My Colt was always loaded but never in plain sight and I never gave a police officer a reason to search me or my truck.
Maybe I can help out a little bit. Before Chris Christie left office he signed a bill stating that "Any" police officer active duty or retired with the proper paperwork is allowed to carry in NJ. I called the NJ State police and was advised that Law enforcement officers with the HR-218 are OK. When I first started talking with the SP officer he told me I couldn't and to lock it up in a pistol case and place it in the trunk of the vehicle per federal guidelines. That changed during our conversation. A good friend that I worked with became a teacher after police work and was stopped at LaGuardia Airport while carrying a handgun. NYPD "didn't seem to understand" HR-218 and told him he needed a New York state permit in order to legally carry. He pulled out a copy of HR-218 which he always carries. It was read and "end of story". I'm assuming they very well knew what the law was but were just giving him a hard time. I always carry a copy of the law in the Glove compartment of my truck. I've been stopped in Colorado heading out to my Elk hunting spot and the Sheriff and I had a good chat with a "good luck on your hunt" comment. I've called Maryland, Delaware and Massachusetts and found no problem. I did my 22 years on the PD in Connecticut and had some good conversations with the authorities I spoke with. Hope this helps.
Forgot to mention California. Three years ago I shot my qualification course with a recently retired LAPD Lieutenant. His comment was "no problem carrying". His other comment was that he grew up in the LA area, Joined the Department, watched LA turn into a garbage pit and when he retired he couldn't get out fast enough. Florida seems to be a magnet for retired officers. I think We have officers from all the states living here.
diver, I can attest to that statement here in Florida. I have friend who are former LEO from 6 different states and they know MANY more.