Leupold Custom Scope

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
Thinking about getting a VX-3i 3-10X40mm with a custom BDC reticle set up for a 225gr AB and I'm wondering how it will work with other bullet weights like a 210 PT or a 200gr AB or should I get it with the LR duplex reticle and not be bullet specific?
It'll only work precisely for 1 bullet and FPS within a certain elevation range. They are close on some but they aren't perfect. I think there are better mousetraps in my opinion. The Zeiss Z600 is a better reticle for that sorta deal in my opinion.
Rodger, I have the Zeiss 2-10x42HD with Rapid Z600 reticle and find it very accurate. I shot my elk @ 525yds in 2016 with this scope. Just picked up the Leupold VX3i 3.5-10x40 with Boone & Crockett reticle. The Leupold is very nice but I prefer the precision of the Zeiss.
If you want to change bullets you would probably be better of with a duplex type reticle and different turrents cut to the chronied specs for each bullet out of your rifle (CDS), set for your particular elevation and typical ambient hunting teperatures that you plan to use the rifle in.
Thanks for the replies and I think I'll just keep it simple.
Now your thinking my way. I have never had luck with the custom turrets, and I have had several. But I don't own a crony so my input is probably not very accurate. However I do love my standard turret's and by developing my own range card am confident out to 500+ yards, given the appropriate conditions.
If it were me I would opt for a duplex reticle, verified range card and reliable turrets. Will always work with any bullet at any speed and can't get any simpler.
Rodger, I had the CDS system set up on my VX6 for my 270win. I used it for 2 hunting season and never touch the original setting :(. Every time I seen a animal I brought up the rifle and did any automatic adjustment with reticle as I had done for 40 years before. I took the CDS off and went back to what I had done in the past.
My Dad always told me if it ain't broke don't fix it :lol:!

OU812":3qv6ba8y said:
If it were me I would opt for a duplex reticle, verified range card and reliable turrets. Will always work with any bullet at any speed and can't get any simpler.

Bingo! Couldn't have said it any better.
I've had good luck with BDC reticles . I've only used the burris and also the Boone and Crockett . these are not perfect , there is always give and take . I would never try to hunt with one without taking the rifle to the range and proving where it hits . I also don't think I'd want anything more than 500 or 600 yards on a reticle . things just get much different past these distances and I think it would turn into a hassle trying to get a reticle to line up out to 1000 or even much past 600 .
Thanks for all the ideas fellows.
I just ordered a VX-3i 3.5-10X40mm CDS with the wind plex reticle for doping the wind or maybe walking shot leads. :grin:
Scotty and Bill showed me the light at the end of the tunnel. :wink: (y)
truck driver":111xhwqj said:
Scotty and Bill showed me the light at the end of the tunnel. :wink: (y)

Those were train lights.... Get off the track!! :lol:

Looking forward to seeing what you think of it once you get it shooting.
SJB358":1u7k7ve9 said:
truck driver":1u7k7ve9 said:
Scotty and Bill showed me the light at the end of the tunnel. :wink: (y)

Those were train lights.... Get off the track!! :lol:

Looking forward to seeing what you think of it once you get it shooting.
Boy look what your Friends do to you :shock: With fiends like Scotty who needs enemies :?: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:
My son and I both really like the Leupold B&C reticle. I killed a cow two years ago, one shot at 450 yards.
Roger I have both a Leupold CDS with a windplex reticule and some Zeiss with Rapid Z600s. They both work fine, however I would caution you that what works wonderful in good light not moving, is a totally different ballgame in failing light. So to throw a monkey wrench into the mix , I would say a Z600 is probably my LAST choice in failing light because it is so fine and tiny you cant see the compensating hash marks and then you cant see anything. Here it is here stage_rapidz_2_980x308.jpg
I can shoot my Zeiss scopes with the heavy German reticules long after the Z600s have been in bed.german-reticles.jpg
For that reason on a longish shot (Bull Elk at 450 last 3 min of light) I would much prefer, to simply dial the CDS and shoot a reticule I can still see!
Daytime target pratice the Z600 works great.
Just my take on simplest not likely to mess up ideas.
When I commonly see hunters so excited, they simply cant even Load their gun, Or forget their safety, ? Commonly forget their scope covers are still down??, try a 400 yd shot still on 2X ??? Its pretty obvious to the guide, the LAST thing an excited hunter needs to deal with is:?? Am I soposed to hold down on the 3rd or 4th bar???? Oh gosh what happened to the little bars?? Why cant I see those little bars??? Oh the hell with it , oh my god he is getting away........I need to shoot he is almost going into the trees...... I guess I should just try him, by holding
Up over his back a couple of feet, that should work.???? (I hope!)
BS.........it wont work, I have watched 100s of sports try it ,over the last 45 years.
You have just blown, a $6,000 elk hunt.
Never shot a German 4 reticle but it sure looks like it would be a dandy at first and last light for sure.
I here yeah Earle that's one reason I went with the wind plex with the CDS. I was looking threw one in a store into the dark corners to see if the cross hairs glowed like my old VXIII does and they did. That was one feature I liked about the old Leupolds.
I did think about a Meopta Meopro with the G4 and almost ordered one.
I am going to put my Leupold VX2 with German #4 reticule
(Its even heavier than the Ziess one is) on my new Tikka 6.5x55 that is presently on my 35 Whelen. Jim (338) has actually sent me some Kenon Speed Dails, to try, that fit that scope. If that works out as good As I think it will. I probably will order from the custom shop a lower power VX2. CDS and have them install the German #4 reticule and put that scope back onto the 35 Whelen.
I was very impressed with Leupolds CDS system. I have a Dr friend that had us install a Huskamaw on his 300WM last summer, it had dails on it cut for the Hornady Superformance
Loads be uses in it, the dails performed perfectly. The reticule sucked and again worked for target
Shooting but would have been hopeless in low light conditions.That scope ($1300) wasnt quite as
Good in low light as the new VX2s are. And ran out of gas right with a Sightron S1($150). So your paying an awful lot for good dails. I had a custom dail cut for my Vx2 on the 25/06, and using my deer load (120gr Speer @ 3150fps) and took the time this winter, to really test it out. It has a 200yd zero. The Huskamaw scope, would hold the bullets within a plus or minus 1.5" of error right out to 600yds and return exactly back to Zero. So that was my reference. To my surprise the $300 VX2 was exactly the same at 3/4/500 yards. But at 600yds we had to come up one click. It also returned to zero fine.
So at half the weight, and less than 1/4 of the price.............I think you get my drift.
I didn't realize the Zeiss rapid reticles were that fine , I've never seen one in person . I know I can't see the Leupold varmint hunter reticle in low light conditions .
Its a great reticule and it works. But you better do your shooting in good light. Because I have Zeiss scopes in same model and powers it really hit home with me. The reticules are vastly different. The Z600 is one of the least desireable reticules for me in failing light