Leupold Vari-X III 1.75-6


May 12, 2006
Guys I just got a 1.75-6 Leupold Vari-X III and the rear lense has spots on the inside. It doesn't impact the view, everything is good and clear. I called Leupold and they said it was normal for some scopes? I have 4 other Leupold's and none are like this. Also, they said to put the scope in the refrigerator and leave it and hour, when you take it out the scope should not fog. I figure it will fog on the outside of the lenses, how do you tell if it has internal problems?


You might want to do a thermal test. Put the scope in the refrigerator for 30 min and take it out and check for internal fogging. Then put in in the freezer for 30 min and check again for internal fogging.

Regardless, I would send it back to Leupold and have then correct the spots in the scope, That just doesn't sound right to me. Their customer service is excellent and you will have it back in 2 weeks. I would do it now and not wait.

Wipe off the dew on the outside of the lense. If it's still fogged, you have aninternal fogging. Unless the scope has lost it's seal, and leaked it's nitrogen, or argon, it won't fog.