live weight question

Thanks. Its been so long since I cared about every little detail about a deer that I had for got. But this week end my"Huntin buddy" had all kinds of questions. :lol:
Some of the scales you can buy for weighting game animals have a chart on them of live weight, field dressed and usuable meat printed on them. Check with your local sporting goods store.Rick.
Here is a formula that I found that makes a very accurate prediction. It actually takes the live weight and breaks it down from there to edible meat weight, but if you go backwards it should get you there:

live weight x 78%= field dressed weight x 75%= hanging weight x 75%= edible meat.

An example a 100lb deer x 78%= 78lbs field dressed x 75%= 58lbs hanging weight x 75%= 43lbs of edible meat.

Soooooo.........basically if you know the field dressed weight and add 22% it should get you pretty dang close to the weight on the hoof.

Here is the link I got it from if you want to butcher your own also: