Local find ???

I have the shotgun posted on 3 outdoor forums. I saw it on GunB&^%#@ last night for $450. I am asking $400. The gun shop offered me $250. I understand they need to make a profit. I am not mad at them, I just know it is worth more than $250. Time will tell and if it is meant to be, it will be.
I caved. I put $100 down on it tonight. They came down to $325. I will pick it up next week. Now I really need to sell the 12ga. I will have a lot of questions on this one so take it easy on me.
I will need some help with loads, but also touching up some of the blems. I would love to redo the stock and metal on it.
Well I picked up the new to me 25-06. I took it apart and cleaned it up. The rifle is not as bad looking as I thought it was at first. Could the metal use a touch up, yes. Could the wood be redone, yes but I am going to wait and see if it is worth doing it after I shoot it. I will try to post pictures this weekend of it. I took the scope off already. I do have a few quick questions. Can the bolt handle be replaced with ease or is it a pain? This one is rusty and does have some pitting. Also, if a person were to DuraCoat a rifle, does it fill in the small pits from rust? There are a handful of spots that have little pits. Thanks
Clean it WELL and shoot it.

Something tells me it will shoot like a house afire! If it is a keeper there a myriads of roads you can take.

Yes duracoating is awesome~!