Long COAL with Accubonds


Sep 11, 2009
Just picked up some .270 130Gr. Accubonds. In measuring the distance to the lands with this bullet, I am seeing that I will not be able to load this round anywhere near the lands and still have it fit in my magazine. Rifle is a Ruger M77 Mark II. This is my first experience with Accubonds. I measured the distances using the Hornady length gauge as well as the colored bullet trick described in this forum. Both ways gave me the same distances. I loaded this round with the magazine limits in mind and I ended up with an ogive measurement of 2.844" which gives me a .050" jump to the lands. I am hoping I can still get good results with this jump. Will be testing the rounds for the first time tomorrow. Up to this point, I have mainly loaded Sierra Prohunters in this rifle. With that round, I am pretty much free to get up close to the lands.

I just signed up on this forum. Have learned a lot from reading here. Please reply if you see the same issues with the Accubonds. Thanks.
Welcome to the forum. We'll enjoy getting to know you, and I hope you'll enjoy the exchange of information.

The AB is a longer bullet. However, it may shoot quite well in your rifle, even though it has a bit of jump to the lands. I am using the 130 grain E-Tip in my 270 WSM, and it gives me very good accuracy. However, I could have just as easily used the 130 grain AB, as it gave me decent accuracy. Let us know how the loads work.
Ruger......................The best thing to do is just go with the flow and load them out as much as your magazine will allow while still effectively cycling the bolt and then vary your powder charges, COALs etc for best accuracy.

What you can also do, is to make reloads for hunting and reloads for the range. Hunting loads for the magazine and range loads that are seated out further and loaded one at a time which get you closer to the rifling.

With my 300 WSM Ruger M77 MK2 Frontier, I do exactly that. I have accurate range loads and accurate hunting loads. I do this as well with my 375 Ruger.

Make sure you label your cartridge container and keep them seperated. You wouldn`t want to take your range loads that are too long for the magazine on a hunting trip!!!........ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ruger, I got the same situation with my rifle with both the 130 and 140 accubonds. I loaded .070 off the lands for the 130,s and .050 for the 140,s. I,ll find out Wed. how they do. My test loads are 3.420 which is the absolute longest cart. length that will still fit the magizine. I,ll jump back in here Wed. with my results.
Ruger, I'd give them try at whatever length the magazine box will allow. I had the same situation with my 7mm rem mag and the 160 accubonds shot very well at over 0.100 off the lands. You may not have a problem at all.

Welcome to the forum.

Load to just under the max magazine length and see how she shoots.

Well shot several rounds with the 130Grain AB. I loaded several rounds using H481SC (57gr, 58gr and 59gr) and W760 (52gr, 53gr and 54gr). Throughout testing I was pushing the AB between 2800 and 3060fps. Most of the 5 shot groups ranged between 2-3 inches. One or two loads may have some potential and I will work more with them. If they don't improve greatly, I wil go back to my original loads. I was getting groups of around 1 inch with those and I have not taken the time to really fine tune them. I guess I just really wanted the AB to shoot better, but I should start listening to my rifle and not just the cool looks of a bullet!
OK, heres what I got with 130 and 140 accubonds in my .270. The very first accubonds down my barrel were 130,s. The first three went into 7/8 of an inch. These were loaded at .100 off the lands. Next up was two seperate 3 shot groups with the 140,s at .070 off the lands. They went in at one inch for both groups. All these were loaded at 3.390 oal. I can still go to 3.420 if I want to. I,m acually very encouraged at this point that there really is no need to load these bullets close to the lands like I do partitions. With a little tweaking the accubonds will pribably do even better than these initial teast loads. I like what I,m seeing so far.
In my experience the BT/AB's shoot just fine off the lans. Here's the distance mine are off the lands:

7mm STW: Factory Barrel: .255 (under moa)
Custom Barrel: .204 (.4 moa)

.270 Win: Winchester Model 70: .160 (1/2 moa)
Tikka: .09 (1/4 moa)
Mosberg Atr: .10 (3/4 moa)

.338 Win mag: Winchester Model 70: .175 (1/2 to 3/4 moa)

The closest I can put a VLD to the lans in the 7mm STW and still fit in the magazine is .205 out, and they don't like it (6 moa)
If they don't shoot due to a short OAL of your magazine "DON'T USE THEM".
The curse of polymer tip bullets is that they are long for bullet weight. Use partitions or if that isn't short enough use Partition protected points with even an ever blunter ogive. They are accurate like your Gamekings and have the Partition to guarentee you good expansion and penetration at the 3060 FPS of the 270. Go with what your rifle likes but use the best bullet you can, based on that. In my opinion :roll:
I am thinking that I will load the next ones at the max length of 3.340". This will put me at .115" from the lands in my rifle. I will see if that makes any change. If I don't see a change there, I will not use them for hunting until I can put some more time in the load. Time is running short and I need to go back to my proven load to get it dialed in for hunting season.
You may want to try the etip as it seems to like to have a longer jump to the lands then the AccuBond. I use both in my 270 weatherby and I load the etip shorter then the recommended col and the accubonds I can load longer then the col. Both will shoot half inch groups.
this year with the 140 grain accubonds. My mag was too short so I switched to the partitons and can get 1/2 groups so I am quite happy.
Shot a few more rounds with the bullet seated .115 from the lands. Ran short of time and only tested one powder charge seated at this distance. Groups did get better. 3 shots at 100yds into 1.6". Will shoot the other loads that I have and find the best of the powders. Once I get that, I will seat the bullet out more in small increments and see if I can find a sweet spot. Although a 1.6" group will cleanly take any whitetail I point it at, I just can't stop tinkering with it. I am sure you all can understand.