Lots of good insite here. I agree with most of it.
Guy, they person giving you crap for smoking a bear at 300 yards with a rifle that was more than enough stones for bear, and that shoots very well is a moron. I agree with your feelings on big game VS varmits as well. I don't eat varmits, and they don't seem to have any problem reproducing. No matter how much preditor preasure they get. Elk and deer on the otherhand don't fair so well against cats, bears, now wolfs, and peaple. Their lifes deserve more respect in my eyes.
Jory, I have seen you shoot, and you have tought me alot about shooting long range. I have no issue with the shots you take/make because you do it all the time. I also agree with you on the guys that don't shoot 20 shells a year, havn't cleaned their gun in three years, and can't hit a pie plate at 100 yards. I have a good friend of mine that does this. A few years ago he busted a spike elk at 30 yards three times with a 300 WM and some 180 PTs, and lost the elk. He blamed the bulllets, and said that the AB was a way better bullet, and that he would not have lost that elk with them.
Songdog, I'm with you on that one as well. Moving targets are alot less likely to end well than a target that is not moving twice as far.
CL, I agree with you on the rifle, a person has to be able to shoot their weapon very well no matter how far. I am lost on the car? As far as I know states limit your speed on the highway. I'm don't know of any states that limit how far you can shoot, unless it is by weapon limitation, ie. shotgun only. Us as hunters need to be man enough to know our limitations, and stick to them.
Dr. Mike, Well said, as usual.
I'm guilty of sticking elk with a bow and losing them, twice. I don't like shooting my bow as much and don't do it like i should. I no longer bow hunt. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all. I enjoy shooting LR, but in my eyes I'm nowere near good enough to be taking game past 500 yards at this point. I do enjoy the hunting and getting close if I can. But someday I'm going to draw my oregon big bull tag (6 years out) and if I get a 380 bull at 800 yards with no way to get closer I want to be able to take that shot, and not have to wait another 20 years to get the tag. I'm going to try to get as close as I can, but if 800 yards is as close as I can get, I want to be good ehough to do it well.
I have no problem with the long range shooting schools. I would rather have guys shooting that far that have had propper instruction, than guys that think they can without any instruction.
Guy, they person giving you crap for smoking a bear at 300 yards with a rifle that was more than enough stones for bear, and that shoots very well is a moron. I agree with your feelings on big game VS varmits as well. I don't eat varmits, and they don't seem to have any problem reproducing. No matter how much preditor preasure they get. Elk and deer on the otherhand don't fair so well against cats, bears, now wolfs, and peaple. Their lifes deserve more respect in my eyes.
Jory, I have seen you shoot, and you have tought me alot about shooting long range. I have no issue with the shots you take/make because you do it all the time. I also agree with you on the guys that don't shoot 20 shells a year, havn't cleaned their gun in three years, and can't hit a pie plate at 100 yards. I have a good friend of mine that does this. A few years ago he busted a spike elk at 30 yards three times with a 300 WM and some 180 PTs, and lost the elk. He blamed the bulllets, and said that the AB was a way better bullet, and that he would not have lost that elk with them.
Songdog, I'm with you on that one as well. Moving targets are alot less likely to end well than a target that is not moving twice as far.
CL, I agree with you on the rifle, a person has to be able to shoot their weapon very well no matter how far. I am lost on the car? As far as I know states limit your speed on the highway. I'm don't know of any states that limit how far you can shoot, unless it is by weapon limitation, ie. shotgun only. Us as hunters need to be man enough to know our limitations, and stick to them.
Dr. Mike, Well said, as usual.
I'm guilty of sticking elk with a bow and losing them, twice. I don't like shooting my bow as much and don't do it like i should. I no longer bow hunt. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all. I enjoy shooting LR, but in my eyes I'm nowere near good enough to be taking game past 500 yards at this point. I do enjoy the hunting and getting close if I can. But someday I'm going to draw my oregon big bull tag (6 years out) and if I get a 380 bull at 800 yards with no way to get closer I want to be able to take that shot, and not have to wait another 20 years to get the tag. I'm going to try to get as close as I can, but if 800 yards is as close as I can get, I want to be good ehough to do it well.
I have no problem with the long range shooting schools. I would rather have guys shooting that far that have had propper instruction, than guys that think they can without any instruction.