M700 8x57 and the 200 Partition.


Oct 21, 2004
My 700 "Classic" in 8x57 lost it's virginity last evening on a medium sized Black Bear [about 250/275 lbs] One 200 Partition at 150 yards positively flattened this guy!! Exit was about 1½" in diameter and his lungs were devastated. I saw 7 Black Bears and one grizzly, all within about an hour. They are all feeding on immature oats in a field that is close to heavy Timber. This 8x57 is a super accurate rifle using the 200 Partition, the 180 Ballistic tip or the 200 AccuBond. As usual, Nosler Partitions just do the job with minimal fanfare and maximum effect. Keep up the good work Nosler. The 200 AccuBond and a moose is the next scenario. Regards, Eagleye. http://www.hunt101.com/img/325212.jpg

Congrats!!! Now you are going to have to post some pics of that bear!!

The ol' 8x57 is still a very useful cartridge. As we discussed over on the Reloading forum, I also have one of the Rem 700 Classics in 8x57. I took it to South Africa during the last week of August this year. I mainly used my CZ 550 in 9.3x62 on the trip but I did take a few animals with the 8x57. While not nearly as big as your black bear, here's some pics of the game I took with the 8x57:


The first cull warthog:

The second cull warthog:

(The PH and the owner of the property let me do some culling for them for a meat order that they had. Shooting the older, non-trophy warthogs.)

The 8x57 worked very well on the Warthogs. I can see why it's still very popular for Boar hunting in Europe.

My load was the 220 gr Woodleigh RN with 51.0 grs of IMR-4350 for an average of 2400 fps muz velocity (2403 fps average for 10 shots chronographed). COL: 3.14", Case: WW, Primer: WLR

I certainly didn't need a bullet that heavy for Impala and Warthog but I was also hunting Kudu, Gemsbok and Wildebeest. I wanted to have a heavy bullet in the 8mm in case I ran into one of the bigger animals while I was carrying my 8x57 instead of my 9.3x62.

Next, I want to start working on some loads for the 180 gr Nosler BT and the 200 gr Nosler Partition. I have a feeling that the 200 gr Partition will probably be my general purpose load for my 8x57. It sure sounds like it worked well for you! Thanks for sharing your info about your hunt.

-Bob F.
Bob; Nice work in Africa with your 8x57!!! I know that this rifle and I are going to have a long enjoyable relaationship. It certainly started out right anyway! Sorry, I have no pics of this bear, but there will be another one soon! I have been working with the 200 AccuBond the last couple of days, and it is looking very good also. I'll post a typical group. http://www.hunt101.com/img/325213.jpg Regards, Eagleye.