Maine deer are big

big rifle man

Dec 21, 2005
My buddy called me at 9:15 this morning and yelled that he had gotten a nice buck. He left his house at 5:30AM for the second day of the Maine deer season. A short walk to his tree stand and he settled in for a not uncomfortable 38 degree temperature. At 7:15 he watched as a large buck walked across his front at roughly 30 yards. One shot from his 7-08 had the deer run a short distance and drop. He found ten nice points which were palmated between the tines. The deer dressed at 185lbs. He's now got some meat for the freezer. I'm hoping to get some pictures to show on the forum.
Cool beans! Give us the Whooooooooooooooole scoop gun/load wise :twisted:

post some pictures if you ever get some.
My buddy is a taxidermist in central Maine. He's gotten 10 in this year over 230lbs dressed. Biggest came in yesterday at 278 dressed. he ssaid it scored about 13 B&C.
big rifle man

Congratulations to your friend. Get some pictures posted of that big boy.

OK Guys, my buddy was using a Rem model 7 with a Leupold 2.5X8. The bullet was a 140 grain Partition pushed with IMR4350. He mentioned that when he had the deer checked in there were two other deer being checked both over 150 dressed. The person doing the weigh in's told him that a number of big deer had been taken. I told him to make sure I got a picture to send for a post. Having hunted Maine for over 40 years I can tell you that the state has a strain of whitetail that are huge. I saw a doe taken a number of years ago that weighed over 200 on the hoof.
Yup, Maine has some big bodied bucks. I read a book by Larry Benoit and he and his family shoot 200 lb + deer every year.

Our Oregon blacktails are typically so small, we carry them in a pouch in the back of a vest, kind of like a bird vest only a little bigger. Toss 2 or 3 in there, and you've got dinner!
Jeff Olsen":1u8sadfj said:
Our Oregon blacktails are typically so small, we carry them in a pouch in the back of a vest, kind of like a bird vest only a little bigger. Toss 2 or 3 in there, and you've got dinner!
:shock: not bad