Marlin fans ...


Oct 4, 2006
... help me with this one.

What is the rifling difference between the early (1972) 45/70s and the newer Marlin 1895s?

Would an older rifle be compatable with todays bullet designs?
Marlin 1895 rifles had Micro groove barrels until 1995 when they changed over to Ballard rifling. This was done primarily to gave better results with the trend of shooting hard cast bullets in the .45-70 1895 rifles. My 1895's were (1) Micro Groove and one Ballard rifling. My son still has the Micro grooved 1895GR which seems to shoot all jacketed bullets including Barnes just fine. My Ballard rifled 1895, purchased in 2007 shoots every bullet composition just fine.
Why am I not surprised at Charlie's informative reply, as always :grin: .

Thank you,