Massive 2010 MT Bighorn...


Jan 19, 2008
Posted for 6mm Remington (Dave). He asked that I post the pix for him, I'll let him tell the story as he knows the shooter/family.

What a magnificent beast!! Kudos to your friends Dave!


nodak7mm":3ualeguc said:
Posted for 6mm Remington (Dave). He asked that I post the pix for him, I'll let him tell the story as he knows the shooter/family.

What a magnificent beast!! Kudos to your friends Dave!



I actually just met these folks when I stopped by my taxidermists shop the other day for a quick visit and this husband and wife team brought in this huge ram to be mounted. The two boys in the picure are their sons who were with her when she shot this monster of a sheep. I was honored to even get to see such a fine animal. (It was caped out at the time) I gave her my name and e-mail address and asked if she might send me a picture as I would like to print one on my computer on printer paper so I could put it in my hunting animal.

This couple and their friends and their kids hunted hard for about a month before she finally decided that this was the one for her. She had looked over more than 100 rams alone of various sizes, and said that one other ram was this big or even bigger by just a touch. One ram was what would be called a freak as there are no non-typical ram horns, but this one had it. She told me that the one side was normal and was quite large while the other side was really really different. The inner hole was only about the size of a golf-ball as the horn curled up so tight. It kind or resembled a cinnamon roll or the hairstyle on an English women when they would swirl their hair into a tight bun. She almost shot that ram because he was so crazy looking.

Don't be mad because I don't remember the distance, but it seems like she shot him one time at about 260 yards with a 7mm-08. What the heck is a 7mm-08? :?: Any of you folkks heard of it before? :mrgreen: These folks ranch for a living and besides cattle they raise sheep. As such, she is an expert at estimating a domestic sheeps weight on the hoof to within just a few pounds. She talked about one ram that they had that was at or just over 300 pounds, and that this ram was quite a bit larger. She felt that the live weight was close to or right at 350 pounds. Now that is a big sheep. There was some debate between her, the fWP biologist, and my taxidermist buddy. For sure though he was between 10-12 years of age. I just figure you folks needed to see this guy. What a great photo with the family together too. Does that not make it special or what!!
She shot a great ram. Good for her. She worked hard and her work paid off big time.
This is way far down the list of importance as he is so beautiful, but it is nice to know, and is information that shows that we as sportsmen and hunters in conjunction with our wildlife agency's are doing some things right. These are the rough dimensions to give you an idea.

16 inch bases

41 1/2 " on one side - 41" on the other

3rd quarter measurement of 10 1/2 " which is unreal.

Boone & Crockett score of I am guessing about 192 or just a bit more. His beauty far outweighs his score though!!

3/4 measurment means he really keeps his weight as the horn goes out. The shape of them and everything is perfect. The picture from the front shows the tips flaring out at the end. Just one beautiful animal that God put here for us. The rams have not started rutting, and when they start rutting, they can be as bad or worse than a big stinky mule deer buck and can be strong flavored. They told me that his meat was excellent. I went with a friend one time who got a ram in early October, and he too was wonderful to eat. To me it almost has a slightly sweet taste to it and is really hard to describe as in comparing it with other wild game. I have eaten mutton and lamb as my grandfather was a butcher, and I DO NOT LIKE MUTTON OR LAMB, although the lamb can be tolerated, but not the mutton. Thanks for letting me share.
:shock: That is one phenomonal RAM ! Congrats to her and her family for all being able to be together on such a hunt.
Beautiful you know the area(zone) that it was shot in Montana? It doesn't look like the typical "above tree line" area that you would expect to see big rams like this hanging out. Hopefully there will be a great gene pool for future hunters in that area.

Love your comment on the 7mm-08 :lol: . My friends asked me why I would have my first custom rifle built in that caliber for hunting in the mountains when there were much better choices :roll:. Short action, phenomenal accuracy, great down-range ballistics with 140 bullets, light recoil.........can't imagine why someone would chose that caliber :)
Wow, great sheep! That is a monster Ram!

Surprised that little 7-08 handled it that well. Just kidding, what a trophy that is. Once in a lifetime hunt and animal. Scotty
The nice lady that shot this ram I e-mailed her and told her that I put her and her beautiful sheep and her wonderful family on this Nosler forum as I JUST HAD TO SHARE IT with others. I told her that I did not tell her story, but she needed to visit the site as I said that there are some really fantastic men and women who are on it all the time and they would love for her to tell it, plus maybe include a couple more pictures. That was last night and I don't know if she sent an e-mail back to me or not, and I hope she was okay with me showing the photo. I suspect she was because as soon as they got to him and started taking pictures, her sons had their cell phones out and were taking pictures and and sending them to everyone. She said that before she knew it everyone was calling and contacting them and congratulating her. Maybe this is not politically correct to say but you know what, I really don't care. I also told her that my belief is that I have a feeling that about 95% of the regular folks on this Forum are Christian. I said I based that on the kind words they say, the things they do for each other, and the way they would bend over backwards to help somoene with a problem or a question.

I hope she writes in and shares with you all. It's a great story. :)
What you just said 6mm Rem in your post hit the nail on the head. There are some GREAT folks out there that will help one out, I know I have been one of those guys. Thanks again for the post and I hope she does come back to our site to visit and tell the rest of the story.