Mdl 70 safety/trigger question.


Apr 18, 2009
Recently aquired my first Mdl 70.
It's a 7Rem Mag Black Shadow,probably originally from Wal-Mart.
Trigger is giving me trouble though.

If you cock the rifle and fire it without engaging the safety the trigger is a crisp clean 2.5 lbs.
If you cock the rifle and then engage and release the safety the trigger pull increases quite a bit.About 7 lbs to release the sear.
I have field stripped the bolt and cleaned it.

What gives?

Hmmm....not sure what could be causing that. The Winchester trigger is pretty simple but I suppose you may have to have a gunsmith look at it for you. Maybe other Winchester M70 users can offer their thoughts on here as well.
I figured it out. :grin:
I got this rifle used from a co-worker.
He had hunted with it for several years and had never cleaned it. :shock:
I noticed that the safety lever was also very stiff to engage.
Upon closer scrutiny I also noticed the cocked indicator at the rear of the bolt was covered with rusty crud when it was cocked.
I unscrewed the firing pin assembly from the bolt and took it outside and hosed it out with CLP and a bunch of rusty gunk came running out of it.
Not knowing how to strip the rest of the bolt I just submerged it as best I could in Kroil and let it soak for awhile.
I blew the junk out of it with compressed air and then hosed it down again with another dose of CLP.
Works like a champ now.......
Glad to hear you got it working. That Kroil is pretty amazing.
