Meeting Friends

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
Rol-P and I are headed to Montana in the fall for a combination Elk and Mule Deer hunt.
My reservation is the week before Rol-P's but I had available room for someone else to stay with me at the outfitters and I asked Roland if he wanted to go out earlier and show me the ropes since I had opted for a non guided hunt but will be supported by the outfitter. After consideration Roland decided he would like to do it.
Today Roland and his wife are traveling south on vacation and was passing threw Maryland on their way and he stopped at a convenient location where we could meet and he could share some info with me on the area I'll be hunting. We had lunch and told so lies opps I mean stories and got to know each other while our wives talked. He had brought some pictures and maps which we went over and he pointed out some possible areas that could hold Elk.
Our visit was short lived since he had to proceed on his trip south with his lovely wife so we said farewell and planned to discuss or trip more as the time grew near.
Roland is a great fellow and we are both looking forward to our trip and spending sometime together in the Montana Mountains chasing Elk. :grin:
There is something enjoyable about discussing upcoming hunts and planning them out. Perhaps more of our elected officials should try to work on issues while planning for hunts??? Maybe they would actually accomplish something:)
Nice! Stephen (posts here time to time as Roysclockgun) invited me on a mule deer & pronghorn hunt in Wyoming back in 2012. Loved it, and made a couple of good friends, starting out here on the Nosler Forum. I've been back to that same place in 2014 and 2016, but sadly Stephen and his wife haven't been able to return.

I almost had an elk hunt in Oregon, but that fell through when I was on blood thinners, post-surgery, and was a little too chicken to head out into the remote areas of Oregon, skinning knife in hand...

Scotty and I are different generations of Marines, but have some overlap with our friends in the Corps, and have certainly hit it off here.

Lefty315 and I... Dang, we know each other from 25+ years ago! Same USMC unit, same ship. Same places. Then we ran into each other again after our time in The Corps.

Looking forward to meeting more of the Nolser gang. This forum has been a great place for me to hang out.

Regards, Guy
Rodger, that sounds great. I had hoped we could induce Rol to come up to northern BC for some salmon fishing. Maybe next year. We do enjoy meeting people from this forum.
Unfortunately here in Saskatchewan non residents can only hunt with a Outfitter but if anyone is driving through we always have a spare room, along with some simple but tasty meals :wink:.
I have been fortunate to hunt with DrMike, gerry & Gil, they are fine gentleman and I would share another hunt or 2 with them anytime they would have me (y).
PS. With 4 lefties hunting with the good Doctor it would be just a matter of time before he would be trading his beautiful rifle collection in for a left hand collection. (Just saying) :mrgreen:.

I have had the pleasure of eating dinner and sharing a few beers with Scotty ( SJB358), Brian ( Woodycreek), and Mike ( .280 Remington). We spent the better part of a night at Ole's big game and steak in Paxton NE, then moved across the street to continue. I kind of felt bad as Scotty and Brian were returning from Elk hunting and had 18 hours or so left on the drive home.

Charles ( C. Schutte) and I have had lunch together. And Terry (RIP) and I spent an afternoon telling stories in New Mexico a few years back, just a couple weeks before he passed.

All great guys and would do it again in a heartbeat.
My wife, Linda and I stopped to meet Rodger and Jane yesterday so that we could have a face to face before we treck yonder to the Great State of Montana this fall in search of the wary and elusive Elk and deer that populate the state.
As might be expected, Linda and Jane struck it off nicely and were chattering at one end of the table while Rodger and I did likewise at the other end of the table. All was well until Rodger gifted me with two rifle cartridges, neither of which were my tried and true 30-06 caliber... :( Rodger provided the details, a 35 Whelen and a 35 Whelen Ackley Improved, both sporting Sierra 225 grain spire points.. Very nice looking pieces..
His instructions: Share those with NYDAN... :grin:

You may remember NYDAN's post a while back, it goes something like, I want Rol to buy a Whelen :grin: so WE can have fun with it... :grin: I think my new friend Rodger is trying to help Dan to push me over the Whelen cliff.. so to speak.. My '06's have served me well and I don't think the animals will be any more deader if hit properly with a Whelen rather than my '06...

After our brief get together I believe Rodger and I have similar outlooks on hunting, be safe, enjoy the outing and make treasured memories. I am looking forward to sharing time with Rodger in Montana and answering his questions between now and then if I can, or passing the question off to our Outfitter.

Linda and I are out of the NY snow for a few days and I will be looking for treasures at local gun shops that I happen to come upon.. Who knows, one may have a Ruger Number One in 35 Whelen, opps, who said that??? :grin: :grin:
Rol_P":1kzm6job said:
You may remember NYDAN's post a while back, it goes something like, I want Rol to buy a Whelen :grin: so WE can have fun with it... :grin: I think my new friend Rodger is trying to help Dan to push me over the Whelen cliff..

Whelen owners do such things, Rol. It's part of the mystique!
I really wasn't trying to push Rol over the edge but wanted to show him what could be done with a 30-06 case and a 35 Whelen case since the one that was necked up from a LC65 30-06 case and the other was a Nosler 35 Whelen case fire formed to 35 Whelen Ackely Improved. Since he had never seen either except for pictures I just thought He and Dan would enjoy actually seeing what we have been talking about. :roll: :lol: :grin:
Yep the 35 Whelen may not kill a deer any deader than his 30-06 but if we get cornered by a Grizzly he may appreciate that big .358 225gr bullet more then his 180gr .308 cal. :mrgreen: