

May 26, 2012
OK, as most of you know I've become a Zeiss fan.

I have a HD5 5-25 X 50 and a Conquest 3-9 X 40 and like them. I've got the opportunity to buy a Meopta at a significant saving but I'm at a loss as to how they compare optic and quality wise to the two Zeiss I have.

Anybody have any input they would care to share?

Meopta is first-rate glass, Vince. Those I've handled compare very well with Zeiss Conquest, and don't do badly in match ups with Diavaris.
Thanks Mike. :)

I may have to swing for it but I'm really liking the HD5 line.
When I was scope shopping a couple months ago, the Zeiss HD-5, Meopta MeoStar R1, and Leica ER were on my short list. I found it interesting that both dealers I spoke with that carried the Zeiss and Meopta lines recommended the Meopta over the Zeiss when it came to glass quality and construction. Where the I think the Zeiss excels though is in the complete package (offering side focus, better turrets, larger range of elevation adjustment, and a hydrophobic coating on the lenses) making their scopes a bit more versatile. Meopta's newly released MeoStar R2 line is reported to have even better glass yet, and a hydrophobic coating as well.

I've had a couple Zeiss Conquests that I've had great luck with, but think that the next pure hunting scope I buy will probably be the Meopta Meostar R2 in a 1.7-10x42 or 2-12x50, depending on reticle offerings.

I have a pair of Meopta binoculars and they are awesome. Very crisp and clear, even in low light.

Meopta are not very common in these parts. I only know 2 people that use them and they would not give them up for any other scope. Both the guys have them on 300 win mags and state that if they can see it is going down :wink:!
Now I have seen the one shoot and he is top shelf the other gent might have trouble backing that statement :lol:.

Seems like Meoptas are making a slight uptick in popularity. Their R2's are reported to be very nice and the R1's I have seen and heard about have been very nice as well. I don't like their dials but the glass and construction is very sound, I think.