Midnight Visitors


Nov 8, 2006
I was going to bed last evening when I noticed the yard lights were on. Thinking that they had been tripped, I peeked out, only to discover that I had visitors. Always nice to receive company, even at midnight.

I awakened Mama so she could enjoy the spectacle. The visitors proceeded to nibble the branches from a few of the trees in our front yard before heading back into ... who knows where. We enjoyed watching them for about fifteen minutes. Then, we were able to watch the aurora borealis for another fifteen minutes or so. Pleasant evening.
It's always nice to get free tree and bush trimming and not have to clean up the mess. :lol: Nice pictures DrMike. Next time you see the aurora borealis see if you canget some pictures please. I haven't seen them here on the east coast since back in the 1960's when I was a kid. My Mom would chase me to bed because I would stay up all night watching the grand display of natural fire works. :grin:
Rodger, they did leave a couple of deposits on the lawn. I told Mama that we would work it into the grass when I dethatch next week. It would enrich the soil.

Moose are not uncommon visitors here. There are several cows that winter over in our neighbourhood; we see them and their calves. We also frequently see mule deer in the neighbourhood, and the occasional black bear wanders through. We have had a few lions reported, though I've never witnessed them myself.
The cow was lying down, and I didn't see her at first. I stepped out to snap a photo of the calf when I saw mama about ten feet to my left and against the house. She stood up when I stepped out the door, but she wasn't aggressive, so I went ahead and snapped the photo when she had calmed down a bit. Man, I love living where this takes place.
Dr.Mike, I see what happened when I was up there Moose hunting you took me to the mountains and we did not get a Moose and here you had your favourite spot real close to home :lol:.
That is a great photo (y) you are truly blessed.
Thank you for the post.

These two are in pretty good shape; it was a mild winter, so they had ample food and didn't expend all their energy trying to stay warm. Also, there are no wolves here in town ... yet. This calf will be run off this coming September or October, and mama will be bred again. There'll be a new calf next spring.