Minimum chambering for defense?

BTW - after investigating a number of shootings over the years - I can't tell any difference between a good hit with a 9mm, .40, .45 or other reasonably powerful handgun.

A good hit is a good hit.

Typical round-nose FMJ bullets do little damage but offer MUCH penetration - this might be a bad thing, as I've recovered a bullet for evidence, from the arm of a guy who was the second person hit - after the bullet penetrated the body of the intended gang banger. A FMJ from a .380 by the way.

So, get some decent ammo - and prepare to place it well. Quickly.

Also - the 147 gr JHP 9mm rounds have a decided tendency to penetrate real well, and not open up.

Hopefully that's changed.

Years ago I became addicted to two different handguns for self - defense against bad guys:

1. 125 gr hollow point from a .357 magnum - What a beast!
2. 230 gr hollow point from a .45 ACP - again - very impressive results from what I've personally seen.

And for critters - I have little experience - but I do like the .44 mag revolver with a 240 - 255 gr bullet... Pushed hard.

Regards, Guy
Do enjoy seeing dead threads resurrected. The issues raised five, or even ten years ago, are likely still matters of concern today. Good to see what may have changed and what perceptions have been altered.
For critters, I have a good bit of experience with hogs. .44 rem. mag. 7 1/2 bbl. with 240 grain gold dots loaded hot.
For people 9mm min. Personally I carry a .40 M&Pc with 180 gr. golden sabers but I'd like to try some of those new Sig rounds.
But I'm considering another 9mm as it's faster to get accurate second and third hits than the .40. For me anyway.
I've learned that shooting a .44 magnum for a couple of accurate shots is easier than trying to shoot repeat shots with a .40 that's trying to twist and jump out of my hand.
The summer heat in Florida is a major factor for concealed carry. MY P938 with either 124+P gold dots or the New Remington 124 grain short barrel ultimate defense are my go to rounds. I have carried a Kimber Pro carry with Hornady Critical duty rounds also but hiding it is quite an exercise. The proper belt holster (I don't carry inside the waistband) makes all the difference in the world.
Cool old thread.
Depends on what I'm wearing.
Thin summer clothes- G42-380, 90 gr HP
Fall to winter- G31-357 Sig, 115 XTP hot or my favorite, G29-10 w 150s
I don't want to blow through cars, bad guys and such, just need to stop the threat. Penetration may not be your friend in these situations as Guy mentioned.
I am very confident in the pistols above and where they shoot.
Critters- 44 Mag 240s or 45 Colt w 250s or 310 HC, or G20 w 200s

Wife carries a Ruger SP101 in 327 Fed w 85 gr in a carry purse. That is a flat wicked round and one she and I have confidence in. (Check the ballistics)
OK, I'll play. :)
The minimum is a .41 Remington Magnum.
Smoke that. :)

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Last time I carried was with a P229 with 9mm FMJs. After six months of that I'll gladly go back to the glock 17 with 124 HPs.