Model 27 .357 mag

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
No, this beauty of a revolver is not mine. Doggone it. Not yet anyway. Am trying to figure out how to latch onto it, which could be tough, as it's not for sale! Hmmmm. Not yet anyway. Still, I was able to handle it, shoot it and photograph it yesterday. What a great revolver!

Don't see this anymore:

Checkering all the way from the rear sight to the front patridge sight:

Didn't do any serious accuracy testing. Just fired full-power .357 magnums through it from 50 & 25 yards at steel, with gratifying results. The big revolver handles those magnums so very easily....

Perhaps someday this one, or a similar gun, will become available. I'd like The .357 Magnum someday.

That is a nice one made when S&W still owned the company. The pined barrel and recessed chambers in the cylinder puts it back in the 50's or 60's.
I once owned a 5 inch Model 27 back in the early 1970's, new. That was back before Bangor Punta bought S&W. They are built like a BSH and will last forever. That and the boxed 6 inch Model 29 that I owned, are the only two S&W's that I really miss. Good luck on that one!
I just had to dig my 27 out of the safe to fondle and drool over it. Mine IS a five-inch, and as I compare the it to Guy's photo I am less sure that one is a five-inch. Anyway, I decided I'd share a couple of photos...

Mine's a 27-2, so I guess it's a pre-82 gun.

Pinned and recessed. :)

Nice! Those grips really set it off well. Good looking revolver!

I don't think I'm going to buy the one I shot. Bought too doggone many other guns recently! Went a little crazy with the gun buying lately.

And it's not officially for sale anyway - but maybe it will be sometime next year when I can better afford it...

Thanks, gents. The grips are Hogue Monogrips. I put em on all my S&Ws.

I found this revolver at Doc's in Pocatello back in the 90s, unfired in the wooden box. I think I gave $425 for it and I thought I was paying a bit much but I HAD to have it. They had a 57 unfired in the box too and I couldn't afford them both. I was hardup for cash back in 2002 and decided I could live without the box so I put it on fleebay thinking I'd get ably $70 for it. A couple of collectors got into a bidding war over it and it went for about $365 IIRC! I couldn't believe it. Since I shoot my guns the box just wasn't that valuable to me.

I love 27s. They're a class all their own in my opinion. I just wish I still had the four-inch 28 I had back in the 80s. I never dreamed they would become as valuable as they are...every bit as nice a shooter as the 27s are, just not as refined externally. I guess if I had to choose between a 27 and a 28, I'd opt for the 27.
I have the 27's little brother. A modle 19 new in the box unfired I picked up in a local shop a few years ago. :mrgreen: