Mood after yesterday?


May 26, 2018
Hi all,
Since I am an ocean away I don't comment anything or give an opinion.

But it seems to be heating up on your side.

Treats against the judge, calls for a million armed to march on Washington, ...

Whatever happens in the USA will have major influence on the whole world, so we watch with interest.

I'd like to get an idea from you, not the press.
Generally speaking under our system of justice a criminal investigation requires reasonable suspicion a crime has been committed, can the matter be looked into legitimately. Think driving at night with no headlights on.
If Reasonable Suspicion is supported then there must be a finding of probable cause to move forward, Simply stated is it more likely than not a crime was committed and this person committed the crime. Officer stops the vehicle for no lights and determines it’s more likely than not the driver is drunk based on observable evidence and statements. Probable cause to arrest….. still a long way from a conviction.
Case moves forward, attorneys attempt to get evidence suppressed and case dismissed for lack of evidence. If the Judge finds the attorneys story of purple gorillas falling out of the sky caused the bad driving and their flatulence was mistaken for the odor of intoxicants, the case will be dismissed because there is no justification for the stop there fore no additional evidence can be used.
If, however, the judge finds there were no purple gorillas the justification for the stop and probable cause for arrest are valid, case moves forward.
There may be more evidentiary hearings in attempt to limit the scope of the investigation.
The defendant then has the right to select a judge or a jury trial.
You want a jury trial if you’re going to stick with the purple gorilla story.
If your defense is on the technical merits of the law you waive your right to a jury trial, you don’t want a jury deciding on the minutiae of the law. Most DUI trials where I worked, defendants waived jury trial as the defense arguments were on the validity of the breath test device a minutiae of the law. Every jury trial was a conviction because the dash cam showed what they cared about regardless of the breath test machine.
Trumps attorney could not convince a judge there was no Probable Cause. They attempted to do so through several hearings.
Trumps attorneys could not convince a single juror Purple Gorillas paid the hush money and altered the books.
Seems to me the case shows no one is above the law and as a veteran cop I was convinced they would never get a conviction. I was surprised.
Yeah, I am concerned it's reached powder keg status in the USA. The media is definitely sensationalizing all of it with some obvious bias. Unfortunately, both candidates are far from innocent, with only one currently convicted. IMO-it's hard to believe these are our two options for the next American President. American politics has become a disgrace to our country. Fortunately, there are still several million great Americans....many on this forum!
I can only hope for you (and all of us...) that you might one day find a middle ground.

We are really concerned
Me too. We seem to have elected a wide array of people who have failed to mature since the 7th grade, think they are tough guys, but with very limited exception they are not. They are largely devoid of honor and integrity and expecting consistent behavior as well as putting the body politic ahead of their own aspirations, is a fools errand. We have largely ended up here because of the attitude I won’t vote for him or I wont support that because I’m a republican. Or democrats, it cuts both ways. We need to get over it and start working to a reasonable compromise. We used to do that. But first we need to stop electing idiots like MTG, Getz, and Cortez. As far as I’m concerned any of the far right and far left are simply worthless legislators.
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I can honestly just hope you are not heading for that civil war some seem to want.
I have been to the US a few times.
My company has business ther.

And I never met someone I couldn't talk to.

Sure I don't understand all of your background, your culture.

But so far, I met reasonable people.

I hope your country will not be shaped by the hardliners on both sides