most accurate 30-06 load


Jan 12, 2012
whats the most accurate load you have shot in the '06? just trying out a friends newly purchased Sako AV. Iv'e found IMR4064 and a 150 or 165 tip yields good results .......
Remington 700 BDL 22" Barrel
165 Nosler Ballistic Tip
Winchester re-sized brass
59.0- H4350
CCI-250 Primer

2840 fps

Load has produced several .442 groups @ 100 yards.

Experimented with Ramshot Hunter last Fall using 165 Ballistic tips got 2,900 fps, groups were promising have to re-visit this load later.

I have used W748 Powder with Ballistic Tips and Accubonds getting 3,000 fps with really good groups too.

Hope this helps,
Almost exactly like the load Don posted, except I'm one grain lighter on the H4350 and am using a standard CCI primer rather than the magnum. Puts me almost exactly 100 fps slower than his velocity as well.

If my old M1917 ever shot a group that tight I'd post it here, at least once a week, until you all got tired of it, then I'd post it again! :grin: The load of somewhere around 58 - 59 grains of H4350 with a good 165 does shoot real well though.

I have been using IMR-4350 @ 56 grains with Nosler 168 grain B-tips and CCI LR primers.
Two 30-06 rifles I have owned both liked 57.4 grs. of IMR4350. I used Winchester brass, Federal 210 primer, and 165 gr. Accubonds or Partitions.
russ808":1wlvw7ka said:
I have been using IMR-4350 @ 56 grains with Nosler 168 grain B-tips and CCI LR primers.

Yeah mine is similar... 56.5 gr IMR-4350 & 165 gr SST, Interlock, or NBT. Honest to goodness one hole groups. Not the best speed, but fantastic accuracy.
IMR 4350 was always my go to powder in the 30-06 with 150 gr, 165gr and 180 gr bullets.

The best two loads i've had with my 30.06 has been with the lighter bullets which is what i've always used for deer her in NC. The bullets were Hornady 130gr SP with IMR4064
and the other was a Barnes 130gr TSX with RE15. Both were very accurate and consistent in my rifle. My brother shoots the Sierra 150gr PH with IMR4350 with good results. Mike
"Nearly every load posted in this thread is 2-5 grains over Max!" :?: How so?

Hodgdon shows 59 grains of H4350 as maximum with a 165 grain Sierra SPBT.

Don's load is at that, and I'm a grain under.

Hodgdon shows 60 grains of IMR 4350 with the same 165 gr Sierra SPBT.

Those were the only ones I checked against Hodgdon's data, but every post with IMR 4350 or H4350 looks good to me. Max or below.
I'm with Guy on this one. The load I posted with H4350 has been tested in hot weather and cold weather. Never has there been a hint of any pressure signs. I'm aware that powder lots can vary and take that very serious. My load is with a magnum primer and was tested with standard primers. Far as I'm concerned I'm within Hodgdon's Load Data limits with their manufactured powder.

Every gun is different, that's why we call it working up the Load, SLOWLY. :wink:

** My apologies also to everyone for not mentioning my load is Max. and also to be sure to work up slowly as always if attempting to use my load data. I will reiterate the fact of working up slowly again as I have experienced with my 300 RUM I could not get close to the Nosler Book Max charge with certain Powder/ Bullet match ups. It's just my gun in this case, while other posters stated they could reach max with no issues. There are differences to take into account, the main thing is safety.

My Remington 700 seems to like 165 BTs or 165 Speer Mag Tips over IMR 4350... I've misplaced my notes to tell what the exact charge is. The only problem is that it throws the two bullets into wildly different spots.

I haven't worked with my M70 Fwt. enough to be able to tell what it likes.
Wincheringen":30lhxz3y said:
Nearly every load posted in this thread is 2-5 grains over Max!

Max for what? The load data for the 30-06 is, for the most part kept a bit on the low side due to the weaker 1895 Winchesters and low number 1903 Springfields. It's not hard to surpass that data in a modern rifle if one works up with care. One gun writer who's word I take as reasonably spot on once said he used "powder X" and a 150 gr. bullet in a24 inch, 1 in 12" twist barreled 30-06 and the load chronographed at 3100 FPS. He did refuse to give details due to liability concerns. I do wish I could find that article as I have a 24" 1in 12" twist 30-06 and it would be very interesting to see how close I could come to matching that load.
I have always wondered if those gentlemen who do the load work ups for the various loadin manuals ever worked up proper pressure tested data in the 30-06 for their own personal use?
My point being, if a .270 Win. or .300 Win. Mag. in a modern rifle can handle ammo in the up to 65,000 P.S.I., then why can't that same model rifle handle 30-06 ammo loaded to the same level?
Don'r be telling me that a Remington M700 or Winchester M700 made for the 30-06 is using weaker material than the models shooting the .270 and the magnum rounds. Our problem is, we have no pressue tested data for the 06 in that higher range. :x Thus, we have to work up loads by the seat of our pants which could be hazardous to our health.
Paul B.
What?!? I can't fathom that I missed a 30-06 thread.

For 165 and 168 grainers, mine likes 57.6 grains of IMR 4350. Above Nosler's max, btw.

For 180 grainers, 58 grains of Ramshot Hunter.
We have shot the same load for over 30 years on game all over NA. Its an old J O'Conner loading that called for 52grs of 4064 and 165gr Nosler Solid Base . When they quit making the SB and went over to the Ballistic Tips we kept right on loading them and the rest is history . It may show as over Max in some of the new books I am not sure so like others said come up to it cautiously . Every load I use is over max in someones book..................................