Most important for a handgunner

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
I talk to guys who have literally dozens of handguns. The latest Glock, HK, S&W, Kimber... Whatever... They seem to think that because they have a nice handgun, or a dozen nice handguns, they're set for self defense.

I'll admit to having a few handguns myself - they accumulated slowly over the years, what can I say?

Most important though, far, far above the latest and greatest Super Macho Warrior handgun... Are two often overlooked details:

1. Mindset

2. Training

I'd rather be back down to just one handgun, in my case my much abused .45 1911, than to do without the mindset and the training.

First the mindset - the defensive handgunner must absolutely be prepared to kill when it is necessary, and to avoid gunplay when possible. If you're not absolutely ready to take a life, don't bother carrying a gun.

Next is the training - paying a real pro a few bucks for an hour or two of training, or taking a class at one of the better handgunning schools is a great way to start. Might as well learn to do it right. Uncle Fred might be able to teach you how to bust bottle caps behind the barn, but that's not the same thing as learning to fight with a gun.

Then build on that training. Get ammo. Lots of it. Burn that stuff up. Challenge yourself. Get faster. More mobile. More accurate. 2000 .45 bullets cost about $200 - $300 depending. Add powder, primers, cases, and you're approaching the price of another handgun. The ammo is a wiser investment than yet another shiny toy in the gunsafe.

Load up those 2000 rounds, or buy a couple of cases of inexpensive factory ammo. We're not talking fancy stuff here - just plain old FMJ or RN Lead bullet ammo. Something that goes bang, hits the target reasonably well and cycles the gun. You need to shoot. A lot. Build that muscle memory. Learn to shoot "weak" hand. Figure out if you can get to your gun. While seated in your car. At your desk. Walking around.

Get a BRIGHT little flashlight. Sure Fire makes some great ones - not all are expensive. Target ID is vital. Shoot the wrong guy and feel like an idiot for 15 years behind bars.

Yeah - I've got a few nice guns, mostly just ordinary stuff - but by far and away I spend most of my shooting time working with just two; my .45 1911, and my Ruger 22/45 which helps train me for even less than my handloads.

Instead of lusting after that fancy new Novak-sight super high capacity wonder blaster... Get yourself some training and do some practice, lots of it. Far, far better investment of your hard-earned cash.


Very well said. You bring out points that some of of would never think of.
And a Surefire flash light is a very wise investment. :wink:

your right about practising Guy, the P89 I bought for home protection is the one I havent shot in problaby 10 years, and I have about 1000 rounds of ammo for it :(
yeah - if you're going to have a self-defense pistol, it's likely worth shooting it a bit... :grin: