My 7wsm.......


May 12, 2006
Has lost it's freakin' mind! I was shooting my standard load from my 7wsm the other day and only got off 2 rounds before my chain broke on my steel @ 400yds. I retrieved the target and noticed one rounds hit where it was supposed to and one barely hit the steel, 12"x16".

WW brass
162 Amax
H4831 - 64grs

I was running right at .7" @ 100yds with this load until I checked again earlier in the week. 2"-3" groups for 3 shots. Something must be loose, so I changed rings and bases to Warne Perma's and torqued it all back down. I have sent 40 rounds down range in the past 3 days and no groups have been under 2". I have loaded from touching the lands back to .145" off.

Anyone seen a rifle loose it's mind sitting in the safe?

Have you checked the bedding? Its pretty hot and humid.
Is the barrel free floated?

Is this with new brass or has the brass been fired several times? Work hardened brass will do what you have seen.

Barrel is free floated, new brass, same lot of bullets/brass/powder/primers.

It is in a B&C Medalist that is not bedded.

Check for pressure points on the barrel.
Are the action screws torqued down to the proper spec?

No high spots in the channel. Screws have been torqued - 50/50, 65/65, and 65/50. That's the info I have found for the Medalist.

Cleaned with Hoppes #9, dry patched, then Montana Xtreme and dry patched. 3 foulers and then tried for groups.
There are some good suggestions mentioned already, another possibility is maybe your bore needs a really good scrubbing with JB bore paste, it happened to me before even though the gun was cleaned on a regular basis the stuff I was using didn't get all the fouling out.
What scope are you running? I had a buddy have a scope go bad. Would shift poi everytime he stored it facing up.
Pulled it apart, the stock was new and probably shot good while the tang held up. I guess I have thrown enough rounds down the pipe to eat it up some.



Man, that is pretty rough looking. You going to glass it in Heath? I might have to look at doing a little glass work on my Model 70 7RM before I set it all up. Surprised it got that chewed up.
I was surprised it got chewed like that too. It's done that in around 100 rounds down the pipe too. I am going to glass it today, got the dremel all ready to rumble and some compound on the bench.

I just got finished bedding my .358 Hawkeye and almost tore straight into this one, I guess I should have done it.
Heath, is your 358 a synthetic or wood? I gotta bed the wifes 308 with the plastic stock, wondering if it is even worth the trouble..
I do believe it helps and mine is synthetic. I have a 77MKII 30/06 I threw a good bit of money in trying to get it to shoot. I set the original boat paddle stock aside and restocked with a synthetic Hawkeye, and it still shot like crap. This is after, recrown, full length bedding the barrel, free floating in both stocks, lapping the lugs, lapping the rings, 3 scopes, 150/165/180/190gr bullets and about 6 different powders. Finally I decided to bed it and see if it improves, a simple bedding job took that rifle from 2"ish grouper to sub MOA with the same loads.

My little .358 Hawkeye shot 5 into 1.5" @ 120yds yesterday. Now while that isn't great, I had already threw about 30 rounds down range and was more than mad at my 7wsm, add in it was near 90 degrees and I'll take 5 in 1.5" with the stubby little 200gr Hornady.
Got'er all bedded up.

Winchester 70 7WSM - B&C Medalist
WW Brass
CCI 250
H4831 - 64.0grs
162 Hornady Amax

1st 3 shots went into .35", I got excited and yanked the next one low and the 5th round slide just right for the 1st 3. 3 shot group of .35" and all 5 shots total went .98" @ 110yds. I allowed around 30secs to 1 minute between rounds, so very little cool down time.

I do believe bedding this one helped.
Great report Heath.. Can you show us a picture of your bedding. I have to bed my Medalist for my 7RM and would like to see what yours looks like.

Sounds like it is back to the way it should be! That is a shooting son of a gun!
I went back in and redid the tang after these pics were taken. The tang did not take good in one spot so I roughed it up more and it took great the 2nd time.

I used 2 layers of blue tape on the bottom and front of the lug:



I redid the tang after these, I had to use more compound the tang was so beat up, you can see that some of the compound did not even get touched, it looks much better now. I did not use enough compound:



I did not take any pics after I finished, I should have but I did not. The tang was the worst part because it was pretty jacked up.

This pic shows 2 things, 1st my great artistic skills, evident by the stunning red lines and X's. 2nd it shows everywhere I used lots of compound on the tang area.

Thank you for the pictures Heath. They are very helpful.. I will be accessing them again shortly!
Glad you found the problem quickly and it sure sounds like you cured it. It's a curve ball when something quits suddenly. I've wasted a lot of time looking for broken or loose parts only to find something that I thought would have shown up more gradually. That's a good shooting rifle.