My biggest whitetail


Nov 6, 2006
Here is a picture of my biggest whitetail ever. 5 points 161 pounds. Dropped him with one shot from my 257 Roberts using 100 grain Nolser Partition bullet. He was about 130 yards away. He's mighty tasty too :grin:


And here is what is left to the bullet

That buck is a nice butterball. Good job.
The recovered bullet is not a classic example of a Partition. I agree with steelhead, it looks llike the bullet may have tumbled.
Can you give some details on where you hit the buck and where it was recovered.


The meat is in the freezer, I have already cooked up a steak (or two) and it is DELICIOUS!!!!!! I also shared some with my brother, he did get out to hunt much this year.

Steelhead & JD338,

OK, now on to the bullet and where I found it. As I mentioned the deer was about 130 yards a way and slightly down hill from me. I hit the deer in the spinal column. It made a VERY large hole in the back bone and the surronding tissue. I couldn't figure out where the bullet went and I thought it may have fallen out when I dressed the deer. Then I noticed a mark on the rib cage about an inch long, maybe slighty longer. Then I saw the bullet between the membrane and a rib. It appears that after the bullet took out the backbone it somewhat changed driection. It ended up in the third rib from the front of the deer (plus or minus a rib :roll: ). The bullet damage the rib. I'm not sure it completely broke it, but it was cracked for sure. Hope that answers your question. If not let me know.