My daughters 2005 Mulie


Nov 21, 2004
We were out Monday evening trying to find the bull moose we saw the day before when this little 3 x 4 mule deer (barely 4! LoL ) made the mistake of walking out 150 yards in front of my daughter.

A single 165 grain Partition launched @ 2650 fps from her lefty Savage .308 dropped the buck where he stood. (165 gr Partition, 43 1/2 grains IMR 4064, CCI 200 primer, Norma brass ) The shot was a perfect broadside, ribs on the way on, ribs on the way out with the top of the heart/bottom of the lungs liquified. The little buck droppped in his tracks.



Congratulations to both you and your daughter, job well done!

That buck looks like a fat little butterball and should be great table fare.
BTW, what time is dinner, don't want to be late. :grin:


Congrats. You both have something to be proud of. A shared hunt that ended up with a great prize.

Thanks guys.

She is my favorite hunting partner.

Here is her buck from last year. He is a real big-bodied 3 x 3 taken during the pre-rut from the edge of an alfalfa field. Like a lot of bucks that live their entire lives around cropland here in the BC interior he was around 300 pounds live weight. She shot him at ~250 yards with her 30-06 loaded with a 165 grain Interbond. BTW, The huge amount of blood-shot, even at 250 yards , has pretty well soured me on the Hornady bonded bullets.

This one here was her first big game animal from 2003. A little fork-horn mule deer. The little buck was peeking around a tree and the only shot she had was the neck. A 180 grain ballistic tip from 75 yards launched from her 30-06 dropped him wher he stood.


You have a lot to be proud of! Congratulations again to the both of you.

Have you had any luck with the moose yet?
Good luck on your hunting season.

I head north to the MI UP the end of this month for a Black Bear hunt.


No luck with the moose yet.

The moose season here in region 5 of British Columbia is all limited entry only for residents, or in other words a lottery. The odds usually run at about 8 to 1 and one is exactly how many tags I have drawn in the last eight years! My daughter decided she wanted a moose after a truck load of American hunters returning from Alaska broke down in front of our driveway last fall. They had some wonderfull Alaskan-Yukon moose racks in thier pickup and then and there my daughter decided she wanted a moose! LoL

This fall was her first entry into the LEH hunt and I will be darned if she didn't draw an "any-bull" tag good from September 10th to 30th. I took this week off of work so we could chase bullwinkle but so far we have only been able to get with 350 yards of a bull which my daughter decided was a bit too far out for her abilities. The rut will be starting in the next week or so, the bulls we have seen have rubbed antlers and are "flashing". If I can get the last week of the month off we have a good chance of being able to call in a bull. Even if we don't though I will still be content as hunting can be so much more than simply killing something, especially when you hunting partner is one of your own children!