We were out Monday evening trying to find the bull moose we saw the day before when this little 3 x 4 mule deer (barely 4! LoL ) made the mistake of walking out 150 yards in front of my daughter.
A single 165 grain Partition launched @ 2650 fps from her lefty Savage .308 dropped the buck where he stood. (165 gr Partition, 43 1/2 grains IMR 4064, CCI 200 primer, Norma brass ) The shot was a perfect broadside, ribs on the way on, ribs on the way out with the top of the heart/bottom of the lungs liquified. The little buck droppped in his tracks.
A single 165 grain Partition launched @ 2650 fps from her lefty Savage .308 dropped the buck where he stood. (165 gr Partition, 43 1/2 grains IMR 4064, CCI 200 primer, Norma brass ) The shot was a perfect broadside, ribs on the way on, ribs on the way out with the top of the heart/bottom of the lungs liquified. The little buck droppped in his tracks.