My new .358 Norma


Oct 23, 2006
Picked up this old Flaig mauser in .358 Norma. It has an unusual muzzle break.





Nice rifle! The 358 Norma is a serious thumper. The brake looks like a Cutts Compensator.

Awesome score! Please give us a range report. The Norma is really on my to do list. Just need to find the proper M70 to build it on. Scotty
Thanks guys. I was thinking of getting the brake removed, but I am starting to think I might leave it on. The recoil pad needs replacing though. It is as hard as a brick :shock:
Somebody also at one time had a side mount on the receiver and drilled a bunch of holes. Might take the screws out and get the holes filled if possible. Just have to find a set of dies, then it is range time. Got some Norma brass with the rifle to get me started.

What are you planning on loading in the big 35?
The 225 gr AB would make for a pretty good all around bullet, the 250 gr PT would make for a fine penetrating powerhouse.

Well, I'm green with envy. I have wanted a 308Norma and a 358Norma for many years. Nice looking rifle, and a cool find!

Sweet looking rifle in a great cartridge. That is a nice stick of wood there; it has some real character.
I like that bad boy. My buddy's uncle has a .358 Norma, and ever since I laid eyes on it I've wanted one. (Plus, it's .02 better that my buddies .338, LOL) I would definitely replace the recoil pad (that thing looks like it would hurt my shoulder over the internet!) and this is just me, I hate brakes, I would lose that one. Well, maybe I'd shoot it first.
Unusual cartridge, seldom seen today. Should be a good one for you though!

Nice old rifle. It does look like a Cutts Compensator. Real popular on shotguns in the 1950's & 1960's. Good looking wood on that rifle - I like it!

Replace the old recoil pad, and she'll be good to go. I can't remember which brass it is that forms into .358 Norma real easy - might be .338 Win mag, but I don't know for sure.

Enjoy that ol' beast it simply oozes "cool" !
I think 300 win mag works really well due to headspace difference between the two. Scotty
I've loaded for the 308 Norma, but not for the 358 Norma. I've handled a couple of 358 Normas, but I haven't fired them yet. I had plans to build one from a 7mm RM Browning Eurobolt, but I was turned aside into the short magnums. It is an ideal cartridge for Canadian big game.
Scotty, I'm pretty sure it's any of the 'normal' short belted mags (as opposed to the WSMs/SAUMs). The .300 Winnie is a little longer than the rest of those belted mags (.264/7mm/.308N/.338/.358N/.458. and of course, Weatherby .257/.270/7mm), supposedly for increased powder room while still having a long enough neck for bullet tension. But I think the real reason is Winchester didn't want to just reproduce the .30-.338.

(The only reason I remember that is Cameron Hopkins' article on creating the .425 Express, back in the late '80s/early '90s. He specified the .300 WinMag.)
The 358 Norma is basically a 338 WM necked up to .358. Fire forming completes the process.
The 358 Norma is capable of pushing a 250 gr bullet to 2800 fps and generating a lot of energy.

Another great cartridge I've wanted to try. Lots of power. That stock reminds me of one I had on an old 270 Ackley/Newton. I think it's the prettiest configuration of natural wood there is for a rifle stock. You've got a winner in all catagories. 8)
Sorry but the shoulder on the 338WM is to far back, I don't recommend using that case even though it has been done.
You are much better off using a 300WM case and push the shoulder back .
Actually the best thing is to buy 358 Norma brass but it's pricey.
H4350 has been my powder of choice in my 358NM for the last 10 years.

boomer68, That's a great looking rifle. The only thing I would do is replace the recoil pad and then see how it shoots.
Great find, You'll love the 358NM.

Just a thought... The Cutts Compensator on the front end, and the thick (now age-hardened) recoil pad on that rifle ought to tell you that a previous owner was fighting recoil that he considered pretty fierce...

I really like that ol' rifle. Were it mine, I'd replace the recoil pad, remove the compensator, mount a good scope with good eye relief, and give it a whirl. It's got to work great on any big game in North America! You should be able to work up some very effective loads for that ol' cannon!
Man, I can't think of anything that wouldn't hit the dirt hard after taking a 250 PT at 2800-2900! That would be a fearsome rifle! I would bet recoil is fairly heavy also, but nothing a good recoil pad and a brake wouldn't help with. Try the pad first. Might be enough. Scotty
velvetant":3f7oho0o said:
Sorry but the shoulder on the 338WM is to far back, I don't recommend using that case even though it has been done.
You are much better off using a 300WM case and push the shoulder back

Man, I knew I heard and read that somewhere. Thanks for the heads up Randy. Now I need to find a 358. Already have the 300WM brass! Scotty