My other favorite Single shot


Aug 15, 2006
This is my other single shot rifle that you have seen me write about :twisted: I have never killed anything but paper with it, and my best group to date was about 4 inches at 300 yards. I can't see that far now with out a scope :(
.54 cal Black powder, paper patch, & musket caps Sharpe's percussion Rifle My Mom bought this for me on my 36'th birthday.




At one time I was shooting 105 grains of Goex black powder. That steel butt plate gave me a headache after about 15 rounds one day! Either that or too much smoke inhalation! :lol:

Single shots make for better hunters is commonly accepted wisdom. Any plans to use this rifle in the near future?
I plan on hopefully using it possibly next season on white tail here in Tn. I have no explanation as to why I haven't as of yet. It is more than adequate to take deer at the ranges I hunt at on my lease.
Looks more than adequate and sounds as if you have it shooting well. Shouldn't leave a lot of blood-shot meat, either. Give us a posting when you bag that deer.
Oh you'll probably hear me yell from there. That rifle has alot of sentimental value in it. I have a brother and four sisters and other than my dad I am the only one that my mom ever bought a firearm for. She was visiting me from Kentucky one year and during the sight seeing, we stopped at Dixie Gunworks in Union City TN to look at the museum. As we were getting ready to leave, she asked " Jeff is there anything in here I can get you for your birthday?" She would have probably bought the Quigley that they had, But I didn't want to push the envelope too much, so I calmed down, (at 36 I was as giddy as a kid at Christmas) and selected the one you see here. It's not a Pedersoli, but it is Italian made by Gardone.
Mom's gone now, I lost her in 2006 to old age, I guess. At 89 she said she was ready to go, and had lived a wonderful life. She was 44 when I was born,I was 44 when she left. My kids got to know her, and miss her now.
I don't shoot it enough and it is pretty much a "safe queen " now. Black powder scares me sometimes,because I am afraid I'll not get it clean enough. I am thinking of trying some of the 777 that I use in my inline. I will post results.

That is a great story and only adds character to what should be a memorable hunt this fall.
Thanks guys. She was one heck of a mom, who didn't mind helpin me dig fishin worms to use for bait in the creek next to our house. one time when I was about 4 years old, my Grand paw's old dog treed a squirrel in our drive way. He and I went to see what was up with the dog(he was 92 at the time) and sent me back to the house to "fetch the gun" Well Mom was at his house fixxin his lunch, and she carried the old double barrel 12 guage to him, and held the fore end up while he took aim and shot the squirrel. I ran and got the squirrel (big ol red one too!) and brought it back to him. Then I carried the gun and the squirrel back to the house while Mom carried him! Then after she got him settled back in to his recliner, she came out and ask me if I knew how to clean a squirrel? I was 4 remember? I told her step by step how to skin and clean that squirrel. She ask me how I knew what to do I said I watch Daddy do it all the time! Well me and Grad paw had squirrel, biscuits, gravy, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob for lunch that day! Perty good lunch too as I recall. The story made the local news paper.
That was the last time GrandPaw went huntin.
The stories really add a lot to any thread. I haven't tried squirrel here in the north. Living on pine cones, and being so much smaller than the squirrels that I hunted in Kansas as a boy, I just can't see eating them. They are nevertheless cheeky little rascals.